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CHUGGING another shot, Teresa's eyes fell onto the crowd of women outside her booth. The guard said something that was inaudible to them but she knew he was holding them back.

Before she could question, Nina got out of her seat squealing and ran to the guard. She told him something and he stepped aside, Teresa's eyes bulging as the women rushed in, parking their asses on the sofas, examining and gasping as they felt over it, staring at the lights and the bottles captivating their eyes. Still, Teresa had been too confused to speak even as another round of shots was on the table. Her eyes fell to her glass. She hadn't finished her champagne yet.

She shook her head as Georgia shrugged at her in a "what the fuck" way and Teresa grabbed Nina and snatched her outside.

Contentment became consternation in a matter of seconds but Nina hadn't noticed as she drank the rest of the champagne in her glass. "What's your problem? Who are those girls?" She demanded.

A wide intoxicated grin crept its way upon her lips as she tilted her hair, nearly stumbling over but giggled as she caught her balance by gripping Teresa's arm. Her eyes were glassy and boldened than usual. She was tipsy, not far from drunk. 

"Oh!" She hollered. "You know when you stay in the house, you know all the time? Well, I make friends. So I invited them! They're happy! See?!" Immediately after she spoke, she turned Teresa's face. They were happy, giggly, and drunk. And she didn't like it one bit. Nina was never so careless before. Why now?

She sighed. "Look you can't do this Nina. You can't invite people that I don't know. It looks bad on me to Luciano. He has to be sure I know what I'm doing or else this won't be a thing anymore. You know how overprotective he is Nina." Rubbing her forehead, she closed her eyes.

If anything was to happen to her because of her lack of caution and care for her surroundings, Luciano wouldn't trust her again and she wouldn't blame him. He has enough to worry about and caring about her damn safety was something she could take off his plate. Nina apologized. "Here just stop being uptight. Drink this" She tilted her head back and pressed the glass to the opening of her lips.

* * *

Drying his damp hair, Adriano heard a loud and persistent knock at his door. His eyebrows furrowed as it became more demanding and unwrapping the towel, he drew his gun.

He knew for sure he hadn't expected a guest so he cocked it and made his way to the door. His door didn't have a peephole for certain reasons so when he unlocked and grabbed the knob, the gun was ready as was his body to do any and everything brutal. However, once it slammed open and in came a man in vanilla, mocha suit, the thought disappeared.

Only one man he knew wore fitted suits like that—Luciano.

Rolling his eyes and not allowing Luciano to speak, he went into his room and came back out with his pants on.
"I thought I wasn't needed anymore today?" He questioned as he set his Glock down, Luciano noticing he had it then an imperceptible smirk appeared as if he was proud. Then he cleared his throat, snatching his tie off as Adriano slid him a glass of whiskey.

Adriano could feel the tension in his body.

"What happened? What's needed?" Direct and clip his tone became as he took a sip and then set the glass on the counter, awaiting a response.

"Nothing has happened. Relax. Things are calm, but not this. Not our relationship" Adriano groaned as his fingers rubbed his forehead and his shoulders slumped in a sigh. Instant Frustration crashed in large waves as he began to shake his head with a repetition of one word.

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