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HEARING pounds on her door, Nina huffed as she made her way towards it with no thought and opened it. She regretted not looking into the hole first as she hurriedly tried slamming the door closed but the man's foot shoving through the crack prevented the door from shutting. "Go away, Adriano!" She yelled as she put her back to it to shut it. "Go away to your stupid girlfriend!" She shouted again and then the door slammed open.

He stepped in and up to her face making her hold back a gasp. She hasn't seen him since what happened and seeing his gorgeous face brought back memories. Memories of how she would watch him come undone. His orgasm face was...entrancing. Especially when he would grip her face to kiss her while he came in her.

Stupid memories, she snarled to herself.

"I'm not going away and don't call her stupid," He said. The audacity of him to come into her home and defend her? "Get out" She snapped.

He didn't move. "Get out!" She pushed him harder and harder again repeating the same thing. This wasn't fair. All they went through together, they were friends once weren't they? She thought he cared about her. But all she was, was a sex toy for his use until he would throw it away.

Damn her heart. Her feelings and emotions. Her love. She never loved any man before, he was her first and she remembered the words of one of the girls in the club.

Girl, don't no man wants a stripper. We don't get loved.

How wise her words were.

Adriano hit the door and before she could push him again, he grabbed her hands. "Stop it Nina" He demanded.
"I'll stop when you get out of my house!" She yelled and struggled to get out of his restraint. He didn't let go and she tried pushing him with her body weight but he wouldn't let her.

He just wanted her to calm down.

"Get out or so help me I'll make sure you're not Capo again. Teresa is Queen now and she makes decisions to so fucking try me" She snapped.
Women, talking out of their asses when pissed. He released her.

He chuckled. "You think Luciano would go for that?"

She suddenly stopped struggling and he thought she realized how ridiculous she sounded but instead, she walked up to him and looked him square in the eyes, and said, "You don't think so?" She asked. Her eyes were cold and stuck on getting vengeance and he realized she was serious. This was his fault. Luciano apologized for his mistakes, he made up for it but if Adriano didn't fix this and Teresa did make that decision... Nina was right.

"You would do that to me?" He asked, slightly hurt that she would go so far. As far as kicking him out of his own family.

Nina scoffed and laughed out. "After what you've done to me?! I want you and that bitch to rot" She snarled.

Dionne was a wonderful woman and she didn't deserve disrespect. He swirled her and pressed her into the wall with a grave expression as he said, "Don't disrespect her Nina"

The girls hated her. All of them, but it wasn't her fault. He cared for her but Nina wanted to bury her as if she was dead. And knowing Teresa? She could do just that. "Get out" She demanded again.

But he didn't move, instead, he looked at her and watched her. Watched her toughness slowly dissolve and her real emotions come forth. Nina was a wild one, but one thing he knew about her was she was a pretender. Teresa couldn't hide her emotions, and Nina tried to. But as she turned her head and averted her watery eyes, he knew she felt ashamed.

"Please" She begged and closed her eyes with a tear strolling down her cheek.

Adriano didn't know how badly he messed up. Didn't realize what he'd put her through. He sighed as he released her hand to slide his thumb over her cheek and she slapped his hand away and pushed on his chest making him groan. She wiped her face, still determined to be tough but he knew the moment he left, she would burst into tears.

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