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TERESA awoke in a luxurious queen-sized bed with black silky sheets on them and a high-quality threaded pillow underneath her. Like Luciano promised, he was there, his arms caged her tightly which reminded her of home, his body pressed against her which kept her warm and safe and his stable breathing that she felt against her neck had he slept with his face nearly buried under her hair.

Then there was another factor, that was unique.


They hardly wore clothes when they were asleep, however, she felt the softness of the only type of shirt of his that he wears 24/7. His white button-down dress shirt. A few were buttoned at her breast and she also felt the absence of lace or cotton surrounding her bottom half. She was wearing no panties.

Grinning and with great difficulty of being held captive by a beast, she escaped his arms which would wake him in the next few minutes. She took the time to run out of the room to explore her living space.

The theme was white and grey, modern colors, fancy and gorgeous like she knew it would be. Luciano would lay his head in nothing less than luxurious. She hadn't even guessed Atlanta had a place this nice. The nicest things she saw were her old room and the strip club.

Was it a hotel? She wondered.

She sighed as she took in the clean aroma of the place. There wasn't a strong scent and she was grateful. He always remembered her asthma. After the first light incident, he became more cautious of the scents surrounding her. Perfume and cologne were kept at a minimum no matter how much Nina or Georgia hated so. Especially, Nina loved perfume.

As the cold breeze brushed past her body, her arms wrapped around herself as she continued towards the kitchen. Once she reached it, her jaw dropped as her delighted eyes took in a spectacular view.

It wasn't the interior that got her wanting to do summersaults around the kitchen. Her dry mouth became wet, and needy as she licked her lips, breathlessly staring at the island of oh-so-delicious breakfast. The entire island countertop was covered in bowls of heart-shaped fruit with Nutella and fluffy golden pancakes and mini waffles with whip cream. Bacon sided the plates as well as scrambled eggs(she hated any other kind). There were pink and red sparkles in her whipped coffee. So many roses surrounded the food and she felt as if it was valentine's day or even their anniversary.

Taking a small strawberry, she dipped it inside her Nutella and then the side of granola and sighed in bliss as she felt the flavors bursting in her mouth, the crunch of the granola covering it. So good. A great morning.

It became perfect when she felt his arms encase her from behind. Instead of tugging her back against his fitted physique, he stepped closer into her bubble and she couldn't be happier.

She knew he would wake up very soon once he felt her absence for more than three minutes(had she taken just about that long in the bathroom). He would've woken up much sooner if they weren't safe in their home. His sexy groan of morning drowsiness kissed her ears before his physically sweet lips did so. Right in the crook of her neck, following up her cheek and before he could, she lifted her head back for his lips to plant on hers.

Grinning, he watched as her eyes closed to savor their small kiss. It wasn't enough.

His firm grip seized her full throat as his eyes closed as his lips descended into sweet heaven and spring.

They couldn't help but moan into each other had they hadn't shared a real kiss since the ball party. Weeks ago, they couldn't help themselves.

It made her realize all over again just how much she missed the way he gripped her lips with his own. Furthermore the taste of them. Luciano had a unique taste on his lips. They were sweet and had a hint of a natural taste of vanilla.

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