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Teresa was shaking her head and saying no over and over. Dancing was not her forte but Luciano didn't seem to care as he pulled her to a stand. "Luciano I am serious" She stated as he tugged her onto the floor but he ignored and instead tugged her into his chest.

Well, it's only slow dancing, right? He smirked as he clasped one of her hands into his, her other going over his shoulder and his other slid down at the small of her back. Inside, Teresa was saying she looked like a fool, but as her feet slid with his, and found the rhythm to the music, she thought just maybe she wouldn't embarrass herself.

And him.

He lifted her chin after she looked down at their feet.
"Look at me, not your feet" He whispered and she nodded, with a deep breath.

But when her eyes found him, she wanted to look everywhere else.

Oh God, those green beautiful eyes. Everything about the healthy green grass and trees she's taken for granted. She hardly spent time in nature and staring into his eyes, she was back there. In the backyard, throwing a frisbee in the air for the dogs to catch. Luca and Tino were running around.

They had done enough of that in the house their father claimed was not enough space but was more than enough.

She smiled as she recalled the beautiful memory. Every memory of her children was beautiful and unforgettable.

"What are you thinking?" He whispered, as her eyes rose. The oxygen they shared filtered out everything that possibly wasn't passion, desire, or a moment of peace. Their eyes of not hearts of love but of fire unable to burn out but rise even more.

As the music continued to enhance this moment, her eyes lowered in a smile. "I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way, I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe that we are only fated to do the things we choose anyway" She whispered.

A rush, she felt when she suddenly couldn't breathe, not because the world got smaller or oxygen began to run out but because his arms got tighter. His love just got bigger and there just wasn't enough room in the world that could contain it.

The kind of love that provoked heartbreak. Many thought heartbreaks were the loss of love or the absence of it but what if it was the vast capacity instead? Love held no physical weight and yet it could suffocate you till you had nothing left.

Suffocation. Difficult to breathe. She once felt that way before but slowly, that boulder on her chest began to lift, and she began to breathe again. It felt good to breathe again. To breathe his air again.

Luciano blew a breath before kissing her hand.
"And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you." He whispered putting a smile on her face.

She giggled as she looked into his eyes. "Kristen White," She said and rose an eyebrow.

"The Chaos of Stars"

It was fitting. Although Teresa hadn't chosen to come to Italy but was forced, she walked into love with him, knowing exactly what he did, who he was, and what he was about and she knew it was wrong. Knew it wasn't her typical guy and it could be dangerous but she chose him.

The thought of her and Luciano ever ending was one she couldn't tolerate. It was worse than the thought of Laura. Something she never wanted to see during her time on earth but she knew, Luciano was becoming a different man and he wouldn't stick with her just because she begged anymore. He wouldn't live any other way but in happiness with her and if not with her, then no one else. So she wanted to do the same because no one was better than Luciano Rossi himself.

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