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"I need to know you are strong when they push you hard. Really hard." He continued. As she stared into his eyes baffled, she couldn't help but see that he had not stared upon her in anger or contempt but in admiration, in optimism that she could be so much more if he let her bloom.

"You gave a smart command. Never end your opponent if it leaves you blind but end them if you cannot afford to spare them. Understand?"

Luciano had his words and speeches down in his brain. He spoke to them as if from memory. His father taught him much and those words made him the Don he is today. He was more than eager to pass them along to her. He turned his head towards Adriano.
"Send as many men as you need. I'm sure his Capo won't have many if he's intoxicated. Also, send my regards"

Teresa watched his lips curl into a smirk and Adriano followed. "And the innocents?" Because there would be innocents. Men, women, including strippers.

"Collateral," Luciano said without remorse that Teresa looked at him anew. He hadn't smirked anymore. He didn't take joy in harming innocents but they were just as he claimed. Collateral and they were replaceable and irrelevant when it came to his wrath.

His hand slid from her body as he fully faced Adriano with a dark hood over his eyes that only meant grave business. An ominous wave crashed over Teresa as she stared at him and waited for the beast to reveal.

"It's time to send a message to everyone," He said.

Everyone means the public, meaning Italy and beyond their borders. Anyone who had connections with them, wanted them to receive his message.

"Ghost the city of Milan. Make everything go dark and then we hit them. Their warehouses, starve them. Their pockets, their security. Strip them of their power."

"And you?" Adriano asked. "What will you be doing?"

A devious smirk appeared on Luciano's lips, and his face, and it gave Teresa chills. "I'm going to pay dear Emilio a visit"

Her eyes widened. Luciano would personally visit Santino's father. Was he crazy? "Their elders are next" He continued.

He turned on heels to leave without glancing at Teresa. Maybe he was worried about what she would think. Or worried she was worried for him. She was but she wouldn't change his mind, it was futile to try. Adriano seemed to think so too.

"Time to turn things up a notch," Luciano said as he was starting up the stairs with his back to them.

* * * 

Teresa was facing Nala as her fingers twisted and turned in her lap. "When Luciano said that, how did it make you feel?" She asked.

What didn't it make her feel? Luciano was seeing Emilo personally not to mention he was provoking Santino extremely by going after his Capo and his second. Not to mention the previous attacks on their shipments. She wondered why Luciano made so many moves so quickly. Of course, he wanted to end it but was that all?

Maybe rushing his opponent made them illogical and desperate to hit back harder. He would overwhelm them.

The heat was there, turning up the notch would ignite a flame. "Worried" Teresa answered in a low whisper. "Frightened, Uneasy" She continued.

"Why? You've known Luciano was a murderer for years" Teresa nearly flinched at Luciano being referred to as a murderer. Did he kill people? Yes but in defense of his family as well as himself. He had reasons, good ones and he didn't just end anyone's life just for the hell of it. The word murderer was too harsh.

"I've never seen him get his hands dirty," She said. It was but a lie, she saw once when he killed Ricco in front of her but Luciano was a different man and they moved past it. Moved past, but wouldn't forget.

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