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Adriano dressed in a clean fitted black and white tux with a rose in a pocket, knocked on the black door etched with six locks, of course, he knew having to put them on here for her safety.

It swung open, his eyebrows furrowed not because of what he saw though he'll get to that later because her door was unlocked entirely which means she wasn't safe. He groaned as he stared at her. She was crying seconds ago. How does he know? The only time Nina's cheeks were red is when she blushed and she wasn't blushing. She missed a few tears as well.

"Why are you so damn fancy?" She sniffled and he would've chuckled in response to her attitude being adorable but it was clear their previous interaction still bothered her. He let himself in and took a gander around. There were two tubs of ice cream on the couch, both empty and vanilla. Her favorite, he would know having to buy her some every time mother nature rolled around.

Cases of movies and CDs laid out, she was watching one as well, Titanic. He rolled his eyes, "Having a pity party is we?"

Nina shrugged, flapping back onto the couch and grabbing the remote but he snatched it, the Tv was off and he tossed it demanding her to take a shower. She was quick to argue, but he prevented it. "We have a ball to attend to and you will not make me late"

She tilted her head and instantly eyes rose once he handed her the gift box she was too annoyed to pay attention to. Unwrapping it, she gasps. Inside she was screaming, OMG but then she thought better and laid it back in the box. "Tell Luciano I said thank you for the dress" She rolled her eyes at him.

She began to walk away until he said, "Actually, I bought it for you" Yeah right, she thought.
She folded her arms to face him. "With my personal card as well. None of Luciano's and well it wasn't exactly cheap either. Far from it" He added.

Aww! He bought her a ball gown?! Whatever, she told herself but as she continued her inner turmoil inside her mind, Adriano smirked noticing she was smiling unconsciously. "Nina" He called out, gathering her attention and her head jerked to a raise. She pouted knowing he saw her smile but couldn't help as she stepped up to him to ask one question.

"Why did you buy me a dress? Personally? Why are you even here? No one told me about this ball so obviously, I'm not invited"

Women, he internally cursed. He could say Teresa was much easier to convince and she was, but for anything else, she was such a pain in the ass and he wondered just where she got it from. "Adriano I swear if you're doing this out of pity I'll-"

"I'm not" He stated forcefully, offended by the accusation. Sighing, he pulled her by her hand, unraveling her folded arms. "I figured you deserve some fun after what happened. And it appears I was right" He chuckled, teasing until she slapped his arm. Kissing her hand, he grinned.
"Besides, I didn't have a date and it just so happens that you are date material"

Date material, she giggled as she recalled her own words.

Am I not relationship material?

A tear slipped down her face remembering the rejection. She really liked Adriano and should've known no strings attached eventually led to feelings at least for her anyway. It was embarrassing and she turned her face away with her hand out to keep him at a distance. But he didn't heed it like she thought he would and instead, faced her as she sniffled. Both hands gripped her face as his thumbs wiped away her tears.

She should say no, to shut down his damn stupid sexy grins and smirks and his dumb genuine smiles and the way he looks at her as if she's not standing in a robe, a Bonet, and a terrible nightgown. She was a mess but he didn't want her to see it. "Nina" He whispered as he stepped closer.
"What I've said is true even when I said you are an amazing woman and I am asking you to be my date and we don't have to go as..." He grinned and shook his head. "We can go as friends and I swear I'll leave the second we return, I know you don't-" She began to shake her head repeatedly.

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