Chapter 4 - Personal Bodyguard; Dante

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Moaning, Teresa smiled as the creamy flavor of vanilla melted on her tongue. It chilled her body in all delicious ways. Much needed after a hard workout. There was a nice crunch to it and she licked her lips to find Dante staring at her in amusement.

"I don't understand how you eat that shit" He commented with a chuckle. Her eyes rolled as she set her spoon inside the small tub.

"Well, I found out it helps with muscle building" She stated with a smirk to educate him on muscles. She could never however they've been walking for the past half hour now and her thighs and calves burned in much-needed rest.

Dante was the one to roll his eyes. As if he hadn't known that too. "You want to talk to me about muscles?" He grinned as he bumped her shoulder, purposely flaunting the differences in his muscles and hers. "No, I meant I can't eat that. The specific flavor. Cookie dough is terrible"

Her eyes bulged. What? Her favorite flavor? She shrugged and pushed him again as well. "That's because I haven't fed it to you" His eyes lowered to her short height walking beside him. She took another spoon full, tease.

"You're telling me it's good because it came from you?" He laughed out. Is that right? She certainly thought so.

"Just ask Rome," She said. "He hated green beans but then I fed it to him and miraculously, it was delicious." She giggled as he continued to roll his eyes as if it was nonsense. She sighed dramatically. "What a waste of a second spoon then" He looked away the second she looked up knowing it was her way to convince him.

Scooping ice cream up, she stopped and rose it up but he continued to look everywhere else. "No Teresa" He groaned. She continued to raise her arm, nudging it at his mouth. "I'll stand right here until you do"

He huffed and glanced around. Her arm rising to reach his mouth amused him. Short women, how adorable she was. He wondered how Luciano saw her. Being a foot apart could be a benefit as well as an issue. Teresa began to huff noticing the ice cream was melting in the sun and when she least expected it, his lips slid over the spoon, taking the ice cream with him. It was so fast she thought she imagined it but she rose her eyebrow as if waiting to hear how good it was.

It wasn't.

He shook his head with a disgusted sound and said, "Still disgusting"

They both chuckled together as he pushed her waist to continue their walk. "What's on the agenda today? More vampire movies?" She grinned. Oh, how she loved twilight.
Dante's head shook. "I don't think any vampire movie can top the Underworld series. And I'm sick of twilight, everyone knows, Jacob was the better man" He shrugged.

She giggled and he smiled as she did. He evoked her little girly giggles more often. Teresa found it cute that he was interested in Twilight enough to give his opinion.
Movie and snacks were off the list then. She already had plans anyway. "Georgia wants me and Kane to get closer so she invited me to dinner. Something about Luciano not here to intimidate him." His eyes narrowed at her as if she said something absurd.

"I'm going to intimidate him" He chuckled. Her eyes dimmed. Right. Luciano and Dante both were intimidating and with Dante's suspicions, she preferred Luciano's intimidation instead. "Right. Personal bodyguard and all" She huffed as she trashed the empty tub of ice cream.

Dante's eyebrows furrowed at the mention. Sometimes he forgot he was a bodyguard without actually forgetting. He always double-scanned the area, making sure she stayed slightly in front of him to take a bullet and not too ahead where he couldn't swing her behind him.

To take a bullet.

Though lately, those instincts were because he had grown protective of her as a friend and not a guard. He wondered how their interaction would be if he hadn't formed a bond with her. Probably terrible. "Oh I'm inviting Adriano," She said only a tease had Adriano been gone, but she didn't think he realized that.

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