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THE door was unlocked and pushed open, the keys hanging from the lock. "Okay please walk up" They ran. Like every time they came home, they ran upstairs. Last time it resulted in an injury and she tried getting them to stop but it was a race for them. Which brother would get to their Auntie Nina first? She waited... 1, 2-

"TERESA!" She screamed causing Teresa to giggle. Once she went upstairs and tossed the keys on the counter, Nina walked in with an unfinished lace wig, and two boys hanging from her legs. They loved their Auntie Nina. "Why didn't you tell me they were coming home today?!" She pouted with a groan.


Yes, Italy was her home now since a year ago after Luciano... Well, after she had returned, she was adamant she hadn't wanted to live with Luciano. That was out of pure anger when she made that statement though, and she kept it. Teresa Canchola lived in her own home. A beautiful mansion, which well...was bought with Luciano's money. After Luciano killed Ricco, the tension between the Domenici family, which had now been run by a Moretti, and the Rossi family, increased. Because of the times with her and Ricco, he knew of her address, therefore Luciano demanded and was motivated to move her into a new mansion, closer to home for the children and off the records for their safety. In other words, everything of hers had not been in his family name, nor hers, but Nina's. She was a ghost in the mafia world. Nina was the best babysitter and Auntie Teresa could have asked for it. She was so helpful with the boys. It was extremely hard at first being back in Italy without Nina. Once Nina heard just how difficult it was and how sad Teresa became because of the turmoil with Luciano and their relationship, she moved down to Italy because she wanted to relieve her of her pain and give her a chance to breathe.

Because of Nina's unmoved love for Teresa, Teresa told her the truth about Luciano, the mafia, everything. Of course, which was expected, she was given the cold shoulder for days until they did makeup. Nina only threatened that Luciano always ALWAYS protects her and her nephews.

Teresa had been 100% certain Luciano only allowed Nina to live there because he was groveling, which worked perfectly in her favor.

Teresa entered her room, threw off her thousand-dollar heels, thousand-dollar jewelry and purse, and her too expensive dress Luciano bought whether she liked it or not, and changed into comfortable clothes. Once Luciano lectured her for spending half a million in Italy, then he threw designer clothes and items at her every other day. However, he stopped once realizing she hasn't worn most of her things in her closet. Did he stop throwing money? Nope. It wasn't at her, it was at the twins. They had to be in style according to him. It wasn't as if Luciano spent millions per day on them, but she could see the difference between her spending and his spending. He had resistance.

She flopped on her bed with a sigh. Her eyes fell immediately to the frame on her dresser. She and Luciano had one thing in common. They loved the concept of saving memories. She smiled at the family pictures. Luciano made for certain everything was perfect. Her outfits, the crew, and camera quality. Just a few small weeks when they returned to Italy, Luciano set up a photoshoot. They had many pictures when she was pregnant but Luciano had missed out on so much of the twin lives, he wanted pictures. Only having them in his life for a single year, the twins only being four years old, her wall had been decorated with pictures of them. She knew Luciano had a photo book at home. Some of his walls had to be framed with pictures of them.

Teresa's eyes shut before the tears swelled her eyes. Almost all the time she wanted to cry. She needed to, but she couldn't. Had to stay strong for her children and get through this...this obstacle in their relationship. Luciano dismissed, deflected, and denied so much it hurt. She couldn't move on, she couldn't forgive him if he couldn't get better. She was afraid...

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