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EAGER, Teresa went through her drawer for another lingerie outfit. It was always so hard to choose that sometimes a stylist would come in, claim she looks good in everything and force her into an outfit. There was one advantage of being a lingerie model, she was Luciano's wet dream every night he went to sleep.

Sometimes that dream was a reality. She got all sets for free! Unfortunately, Luciano was a maniacal animal and continued to rip her lingerie. She doesn't remember wearing a set more than once.

She noticed the piece of paper Luciano had her keep safe and took it out, confused. Then she looked around before shutting her door wondering why hadn't Luciano come to retrieve it like he said he would. It was nearly eight o clock. If it was as urgent as he claimed, why was it still with her?

As she stared at the ten-digit number, it became too tempting to call. Her mind wondered who would answer, an enemy or foe. Would they give information or would they run like cowards?

She shouldn't, she balled it up in her hand. Then she thought what's the difference between her and Luciano calling? Well, besides him being able to track a call of course. She was Queen, wasn't she? She made decisions to, be his equal right? As he so claimed.

Now she was making excuses and yet she still couldn't resist as she pulled out her phone to call her best friend, Adriano.

Of course, he answered on the first ring with a compliment about how gorgeous she was. "Can you do me a favor?"

: Anything for you of course. What is it? She smiled, she loved him so much.

Unfortunately, she was going to lie to him. "I forgot where Rome was and he isn't answering his phone so I was wondering if you could track it for me?" Perfect lie, Adriano doesn't have her siblings' numbers. He hardly speaks to him and if he needed to call, he had Luciano. He wouldn't remember it.

He agreed and she read off the number on the paper. She waited a few minutes and heard his sigh of frustration. "You sure that's it?" She assured it was and his lips smacked.

"Since when did Rome use an untraceable cell because exactly nothing appears on my screen? It's black. Only two people's phones do that, mine and Luciano's." Internally, she sighed. Why didn't she think of that? "It's not Rome's number, is it? That bastard doesn't have the technology to get something this untraceable meaning whoever number it is, paid some good money to keep it a blackout. Teresa, don't tell me it's the number Luciano had. Don't call it" She cursed. Adriano was too suspicious for his good. Especially when it came to her.

"But it's untraceable anyway. So whatever Luciano can do, I can too" He groaned. "It may work differently when on call. If you call now, you lose the opportunity forever. Luciano will be pissed" Her eyes rolled.

They all talk her up as if she's the Queen and an equal to Luciano and yet when the opportunity presents itself to prove it, it's Luciano this and that.
"So much for being Queen huh?"

Silence. He was choosing his words carefully.

"I know you're going to call anyway with or without Luciano's approval. You're fucking stubborn. Just at least let me make it to you. Whatever is said, I want to hear first hand. Promise me you'll wait" She tapped her fingers on the table. She caved and threatened if Luciano even walked through those doors, it won't be pretty.

And she waited.

Exactly twenty minutes and Nina along with Georgia was waiting with her when Adriano appeared inside the dressing room. He first gazed at Nina who hadn't gotten dressed, then Nina who did, and then at Teresa who was wearing a white oversized T-shirt shirt and jeans, her arms folded. He closed in on her. "Teresa I know you want to prove your role but maybe doing this without Luciano isn't best. I mean you're not officially-" She tilted her head.

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