Chapter 10 - A Don & his Queen

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THEY were on the jet a few hours after they left the hospital. Even though the doctors attempted to keep them all there for they all being injured, Luciano convinced them.

Sort of.

They all still felt like shit, Teresa is the one having the worst injuries. She lay on the couch asleep with a blanket over her. Luciano could tell she was still aching and the medicine was doing nothing for her. His eyes fell to the bandage wrapped around her hand. She would need therapy to feel it once more the doctors claimed. He hoped it wasn't true.

Adriano walked up to him and Dante who was sitting on the couches with their feet up. They were in the air, on their way back home and Adriano seemed to be the only antsy one. "Moretti got away. His body wasn't there"

Of course, that's what he was doing. Confirming Santino's lack of death.

Luciano sighed as he glanced at Dante. A secret transpires between the two of them. One not even Luciano thought he could keep from his brother or Teresa for so long.

But he had for their protection.

He placed his feet and gestured for Adriano to take a seat. Meanwhile, Adriano noticed Dante twisting his body, including himself in the conversation. It was weird. Something was going on. "I was waiting till we were home, but I suppose the truth must now be told."

Adriano's eyes narrowed.

"Brother I've had an alliance with Santino Moretti after the meeting happened"

Luciano sat down at the table. Santino noticed his guards and so Luciano dismissed them.

They were silent as Luciano took out his gun. He showed it to Santino and removed the magazine, laying it on the table, and raised his eyebrow for Santino to do the same. He did and sat back in his chair casually.

"No one is aware of this meeting correct?"

Santino slid his hand on the table. "Correct. What is it you wanted to show me?"

Luciano removed his phone and slid it across the table. He nodded as he watched Santino click the play button and Laura's voice was heard.

"You think I give a damn about Santino? There's so much you don't know about Teresa. This is a game and a bitch like me is in for the long haul. Open your fucking eyes, it'll all be revealed later."

Luciano watched Santino's jaw tick. " I had the feed given to me after it took place." Santino slid the phone back in anger. He seemed like Ricco did when Luciano told him the truth about Teresa. They wanted to kill their women but again, Luciano would propose a different plan.

" What do you want from me?"

Luciano leaned forward placing his hands on the table as well. "To play a game of chess"

Luciano stared as he asked, "If you had an alliance why would you kill his father, the elder?"

"Because they betrayed him" Dante answered. "They were going to kill Santino. Emilio thought him incompetent, a terrible Don and he wanted to usurp his son. He used the people closest to him. Laura, Juan and he needed a high superior and the Elder was all for it"

"Juan would be Don, Laura Queen and Emilio put in a higher position. Santino found out but didn't know Laura was in on it till later."

Adriano gave a disbelieving chuckle. "Brother, I extended an olive branch to him, keep him in power if he helped me in return." Santino would play his part. Luciano needed to know the way of Laura's thinking. What she would do next, he needed to get into her brain like she thought she would do his.

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