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LUCIANO was watching Teresa's and Dante's interaction. Apart from him should've been jealous she was snug into his arms. His arms but he wasn't jealous. Not even angered or bitter. Instead, he was satisfied. Satisfied to know she had chosen and regardless if his eye begged to deceive him, he chose to see reality.

The reality was, Dante was a part of her life now and maybe he was there to stay, maybe he would leave soon unable to bear being around her like Adriano but one thing Luciano knew, the two loved each other but she was only in love with one man.

Him. That's all that mattered.

Dante grinned as Teresa began to preen, wiping her face and pushing her hair back and over her shoulders.
When she was finished, she raised her eyes to him and he pulled her strap over her shoulder. "Shall we then?" He questioned.

She sighed as she wondered what the others thought of her crying but she didn't care. She couldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed in front of her family.

She got Dante a glass and returned to Luciano's side but didn't look at him, unsure of how he would feel after seeing that. However, he didn't let her hide for long as he rose her chin to meet her eyes. She knew he wouldn't complain even if he wanted in front of his family but it didn't seem as if he had any contempt for what she had done and instead placed a sweet kiss on her forehead and encircled her waist with an arm.

He wasn't jealous?

She hadn't been given time to believe so as Luciano began his toast. "First and foremost, thank you so much for all of your presence" He began. "Tonight had been a surprise for not only my children but for my Tesoro as well. You are all my family and I'm sure you've heard of the tension and upcoming unfortunate events and I am aware you may be all worried but I promise all of you, we will come out of this stronger than we ever once were." He lowered his eyes to her and smirked as he said, "Hopefully married by then"

They all chuckled together even her as she laid her hand on his chest. He rose his eyes again around the table. "My parents have heard this from my mouth so often but for those who haven't, I do love you. You are her family and so you are mine too. And theirs. My little miracles" He chuckled as he glanced towards the boys and rose his glass. "To them, to us, and a beautiful future together"

Each of them clinked another's glass and when she glanced down, she saw Luca tipping the glass to his mouth before Adriano hurriedly took it away and gave her and Luciano apologetic glances. "Shouldn't have set that there" He mumbled.

Teresa turned to face Luciano. "One hell of a toast"  She complimented. Knowing Luciano claimed her family, his too, was heartwarming and this convivial event was better than any gift he's ever gotten her. Luciano didn't say things he didn't mean so he knew when he said he loved them, he wasn't saying it for her benefit nor his but because he felt it in his tenacious, beating heart.

"I meant every word" He claimed and grasped at her waist to tug her gently into the embrace of his body.

They heard a door open and she turned her head to the back where men came out holding something big. How did she know? It took four of them. When they moved to the side no longer blocking the object, her eyes widened. It was such a big cake.

More men came out to help clear the table and dishes to make room for the cake. Luca and Tino's eyes were as bright as hers ready and excited for the sweetness soon to touch their tastes.

Teresa couldn't believe her eyes as she began to remove herself from Luciano to circle the table for a better look. It was more than one tier.

The first tier is a circle cake and the bottom is the biggest, the rectangle nearly the length of half the table. There were small words in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish all saying Happy birthday on it. Ten candles total, five on each half for the boys to blow out. "Luciano—" She rose to claim just how big the cake was and how beautiful it was and when she saw him, he wasn't next to her but next to Tino and Luca. They couldn't reach the cake without messing it up so he rose the two in his arms. One on the right, the other on his left like he always did.

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