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Hearing the sound of a bag being rummaged through, Dante rose his eyes to see Teresa again grabbing another handful of mini fruit snack bags. Once popping one into her mouth, she glanced at him before walking back upstairs, into her room.

She had done that for the past hour and Dante knew why she had done it. He knew women. They were stubborn and just as prideful as men. All she wanted was attention and he knew he was going to lessen his pride and initiate a conversation knowing she wouldn't. He would force her to talk to him.

It's been three days since the shooting. He had her in the house all day and never left. Even though he told her she could go to the hospital, he changed his mind not trusting it was safe. That they would be waiting for her.

Every minute he wanted to torture the men they took captive but he didn't trust her enough to leave her alone. Not even with the driver who nearly pissed himself the second she mentioned her being Queen. Dante however didn't allow her position to faze him.

He was even sicker of the silent treatment.

Her door opened and she was heading for a drink. Once he saw her, he huffed throwing his phone on the couch and making his way to the kitchen. Once she saw him stand in the walkway, she made a U-turn but he caught her wrist and called her name.
"Don't touch me" She demanded instantly and tugged, but he hadn't released his tight hold.

He grinned, finding her attitude adorable, and instead of grasping her, he slid his hands under her thighs and swept her off the floor hearing her surprised squeal. He brought her into his chest, hearing her demands of protest he ignored her as he walked upstairs. "Not until you talk to me" He responded as he pushed open her bedroom door.

Besides, deep down she wanted this. 

Still, he hadn't adjusted to her colorful room. She shrieked as he tossed her onto the bed. She rose instantly to reprimand him but instead she was tugged down by her ankles. He stood before her, slamming her thighs shut to hover once he pinned her wrists to the bed. "End it now" He demanded.

Her glare was only demanding to be released and he tilted his head with a grin. "End the silent treatment because we both know you're sick of it to"

He found women intriguing creatures. They wanted to be touched, spoken to and cuddled, and comforted but wouldn't admit any of it. Teresa was a perfect example. Regardless of the faces she gave, she was begging inside for Dante to make the first move so she wouldn't have to. 

It didn't take an idiot to know inside she wanted to talk to him and she did. It felt weird not speaking to him for so long after speaking to him every single day. But she could stall him out, continue her stubbornness. For how long? She wasn't sure.

Her eyes rolled and her head turned to the side to stare off into the room. Regardless of being pinned, she wasn't going to give in to his tactics. Dante sighed realizing she wasn't taking the bait. "Teresa, what do you want me to do hmm? I cannot and I will not apologize to you for wanting you safe. For making sure of it. It's not just my job but..."

He groaned as she continued not to look at him, giving him the time of her day. "Teresa, we're friends, aren't we? OCF? So could you end this nonsense?"


She scoffed. Of course, he saw it that way. He only began to piss her off even more. How was it nonsense she cared for his happiness? His life? And being the end of it all because of her?

Dante's nose wrinkled as his patience began to wear thin. Regardless of her argument, her displeasure is based on his choice to stay for her, she wanted every man to yield to her. Chase her and force themselves to see it her way. To apologize over and over.

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