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TERESA had heard a ding and all of a sudden a thump fell through her head that awoke her with a wince.

Nothing new, she sighed.

So many lights, she saw. The laughter through her ears was destructive as was her sore neck she rubbed, another wince but this one reminded her of something so damn good.

She smiled as she pulled the blanket back to reveal her red ass cheeks, a hand print over it, one big enough and recognizable no doubt. Luciano's.

Then did she realize no arms were around her. She knew why as her eyes caught the back of his head. She often got cranky and hot but those thoughts dissipated as she saw the fresh, raw scratches done by her nails on his back.

He always knew what to do. Drunk or not, she always remembered every single thing he did to her body. He would make sure of it. As she flipped around to get out of bed, he snagged her waist preventing her from escaping, and caged her into his arms. It was so quiet she hadn't realized he turned over.
"Good morning Tesoro" He whispered before kissing her nape and moving closer.

Her heart jumped as she felt his hardened penis. Always prepared, and waiting to sink into her again. How usual for her husband. With a sly smirk, she backed onto him and heard his groan. He leaned over and whispered "I wouldn't get me started for something you cannot finish Tesoro"

Her man is a carnal animal.

She looked over her shoulder, a dare sparkling in her eyes. "I'm intent on finishing"

Was he waiting to hear that? The second it slipped, her thigh rose by his hand and his erection slid deep into her, their moan in unison beautiful to her ears. Her body reacted as he moved her delicate curls to the side to feast on her neck, more love bites to come. His other hand would grope her breasts, knead them like dough. He paid special attention to them as he would baking and she was breathless.

Then she shook at his slow, breathless, and deep strokes. Once, twice, a loud moan of his name and she came.

"Tesoro" He whispered as she rose and kissed his chest. Her eyes met his as she began to pull the blanket away.

Inch by inch he was being openly revealed to her, her wet tongue against his formed abs. "You're still throbbing from when I did it last night?" Her warm hand gripped the head of his engorged dripping penis causing his hiss.

His hands folded behind his head, teasing her with a smirk. "You tell me" He blew a smooch at her. She made sure to repay the cocky favor the second her tongue ran across his base.

He would slide his hand into her hair as she teased him and when she took him in, he would wrap it around his fist with a throaty warning to finish what she began. Along the way, Teresa rose her eyes to see her man's closed. She enjoyed his moans, which tempted her to increase his notes. Loved it, even more, when he couldn't take it so much, he would release her hair not to hurt and instead grip onto the pillow, forcing his hips to stay down so he wouldn't fuck her throat hard and fast.

"Tesoro" His breath, was ragged. Her nails dragged down his chest, his abs as he heaved quickly. An indication he was on the verge of explosion, a signal to grip harder, to suck slower. She knew his body language. He loved harsh and slow, and she loved to give it.

Luciano learned the hard way to never stop her, so he didn't. Instead, he moaned out as he sprouted down her throat.

She didn't stop.

Fast-paced her hand strokes, swirling her tongue on his coated head, and her lips gripping him as her other set does. She would lower her mouth and take him all the way for tease and then suck his sensitive crown as hard as she could. That got him going.

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