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Once they were down the road, Dante heard her phone ringing and when his eyes slid to her screen, he saw Adriano's name. She hung up instantly and rose her gaze to his. "It's our night" She smiled and he chuckled, beckoning her to scoot closer and she did, leaning against him as his arm laid behind her.

"You know, I think you may be my new best friend" She teased and he found it amusing. "Best friends are for sissies" He teased as his hand began to glide down her arm. Teresa adjusted her head to look up and think. Of course, a big, intimidating man like him would think that. Adriano was big, but he wasn't intimidating, he didn't give off the death chill as Dante did.

Dante was her friend. He was very overprotective and mean when he was. They were also getting closer by the hour and not the day. She loved being around him, again when he was sweet and not staring at her as if she was a target. She hummed as the light bright flickered. "My overprotective close friend. OCF?"

She rose her head to question and he seemed to ponder it for a second. It's not like they were calling each other best friends as Adriano and she did. He grinned, it was something different, and theirs.
"OCF" He nodded in agreement which made her smile grow wider.

Once they arrived at the fancy restaurant, Dante got out to do a perimeter sweep and she sat in the car with her driver who barely spoke to her. He was a nice man though. Dante was opening her door and holding her hand as she got out of the car. It felt like something Luciano would do except for the hand holding. He was an old-fashioned man and used his arm. However sometimes when they were walking, he would hold her hand. Teresa didn't glance or explore the decorations of the restaurant, she had been there before.

Her eyes did scan out of habit and once she saw men taking posts in corners, she rolled her eyes. He told Luciano. Well, he didn't have to but he also couldn't order his men around as Adriano could.

She heard squealing and her eyes lifted to see Georgia chipper in her seat, waving in excitement as Kane attempted to calm her down. Dante rolled his eyes as the two sisters who saw each other almost every other day if they weren't talking on the phone, hug each other in a sway. It was Georgia the energetic one and he wondered if Teresa wanted to scream for help.

Once she sat down, Georgia looked at him as if going in for a hug as well but the eyebrow raise silently told her not to. That confused her. Normally he was smirking at her, flirting but now it was...off. She backed away as he sat down and Kane spoke up. "Hey, man, nice to see you again" He held out a hand.

Georgia stared at his hand being out, Teresa too but Dante glared at Kane. He wouldn't have known it, Dante seemed to glare at everyone. He smirked and Teresa wanted to groan when he purposefully threw his arm around her instead, displaying his gun holster and his gun.

That was a silent threat.

When Kane noticed, he pulled his hand away and cleared his throat. Georgia laughed nervously attempting to cut the tension and Teresa elbowed Dante in his ribs.

She sighed having to cut it herself. "Hey, Kane. It's nice to meet you." She held out her hand and he shook gracefully. "You know, in a scene not surrounded by crime bosses and Queens." He chuckled agreeing and Georgia settled closer to him wanting to engage the topic.

Of course, Teresa had a few questions. How long they were together? How did he come to be a guard for a big-time club owner? Even as he tried answering for himself, Georgia was so excited, she always put her input getting at every opportunity to exaggerate his skill and compliments. Teresa could tell even Kane began to feel just a bit bothered being cut off repeatedly by her but he didn't correct her.

She sipped her tequila, Georgia was her sister.

She felt Dante's finger stop gliding up and down her shoulder and she knew he was going to finally speak up.

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