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DANTE'S head was in his hands when he felt her hand brushing his hair back, her thumb lingering on his forehead and as his eyes opened, he saw her bare thighs.

He sighed as she rose his head up slowly and she was still in her lace white panties but in his long shirt that dropped just a little past them but if her arms were to rise, she would expose them.
"Comfortable?" He grinned and it made her smile as she nodded her head.

He nodded and he felt something different waft past him. His eyebrows raised as he looked at her anew. Something was off about her. Off with the mood. At first, it was, tension, heated between them both. Now it was warmth in the air. A myriad of concupiscence in the atmosphere. His breathing grew persistent as it began to engulf him faster than usual. With no way to resist, but to savor.

Once her fingers intertwined within his and she was tossing one leg over him, the other to straddle, he knew why.

Her black pupils and hazel irises begged for a chance. A chance for a small open window of his hard wall to peek into. To obliterate all the hiding places he could take shelter in his mind. A chance that he would abandon all his uncertainties.

As he felt her hands, Dante longed for them to be on his chest again. Not to touch, to feel. To glide her fingers up on him, to drag them back down with the graze of her nails.

As he stared into her eyes, he saw the certainty to enter this fray. The certainty that she wanted his naked body pressed against hers like he wanted her own.

He breathed out as she slid fully atop of him, the warmth of her soft skin against his thighs.

A concern of what could happen if he conceded to her desires came over. Her desire to holler out a cry of mercy while he worked deep inside her body as no man has ever before. Her desire to make him come undone in her wetness. To make him feel her weight when she collapses atop of him to kiss. To pant into his mouth and feel his hand glide down her hip to anchor while he thrust his hips upwards.

She rose hers upwards to glide across the man of him that rose and stiffened to probe her covered core.
"Dante" She whispered as his eyes closed to feel her grind against him once more. He didn't stop her as she leaned forward at a better angle for them both.

She squeezed his hand as if he threatened to release hers as he laid the back of his head on the edge of the sofa.

He groaned as his eyes shut tightly as she did it harder this time, a clear message and an invitation.

He accepted. He dared not to.

Lowering their hands, he slipped from hers and instead gripped onto her hips to bring her forward, her head slowly falling back by the mere feeling of him. Her eyes would close, and he didn't want that.
"Look at me" He demanded.

His tone had become so assertive that she nearly stopped, startled, but he rocked her hips forward again to continue her pace. She grew wetter and wetter and even wetter when his large hand wrapped around the base of her throat to squeeze and tug her up to his face.
"Like that" He whispered. She nodded at his eyes promising if she did what he asked, he would give her what she wanted.

"Did you imagine kissing me when you dragged those pretty fingers down my lips?" He asked with a smirk. She gasped as his thumb began to encircle her bundle of nerves through her thin panties. His finger became slick and slippery in seconds. "Touch yourself" He encouraged and even as she continued to grind up him slowly, their eyes stared into one without breaking a glance as she slid her hand into her panties to do as he asked and moaned as he pressed her finger down onto her clit.

"Do it again" His eyes glinted and it was enough to know he didn't mean to touch herself again.

She breathed out as her coated fingers did what they had moments earlier. She dragged them down his lips just as before with a quiver of her breath as he took her two fingers into his mouth. He never broke contact as he tasted her and her fingers slipped from his lips.

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