Chapter 5 - Inhale the future, Exhale the past

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Nala folded her legs and Luciano smirked as he realized her change of style. Normally she wore pants or even a professional skirt that passed her knees. Her hair would sit in a high ponytail, but today she wore a dress. One unprofessional but appropriate, her hair down, stopping at her neck.

What brought along this change?

His eyes snapped up from her shaven legs as she said, "You're more chipper than usual"

He scoffed at the word but chuckled showing his amusement to it. "I have good news doctor. First, I would like to hear yours. I see you've dressed differently."

She smile as she ran her hands down her dress.
"I suppose you've helped me come out of my shell. As a doctor, I'm analyzing others, helping them realize things about themselves and you Luciano have also helped me. Now the news?"

Quick to change the topic, he thought. However, he was pretty eager to tell his news. "Tesoro and I are on track. I made a small gesture the other night. Sent her flowers. Reminded her of a time we were once happy." He grinned.

Nala smiled. "That's sweet but is that the only reason you sent them? To remind her of a memory?"

His eyebrows furrowed at her tone. She saw something he didn't. "Well, I missed her of course. Texting that seemed a bit... meaningless"

Nala sighed and he noticed her pulling her notebook from her purse. He hasn't seen her notebook in many sessions which meant it was something bad.
"Luciano, what you did was nice but I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by start over."

"That's what I've been trying to accomplish" He argued but she shook her head in disagreement. He sighed in disbelief. What has he done wrong?

"No," She said. "No you're encouraging her to relieve your memories" He nodded, yes.
"That's a good thing" He claimed.

"It is, sometimes" She continued. "However you're goal is to move forward, not back. If you encourage her to remember the good, it'll encourage her to remember the bad as well and our goal is to get past that. This is how rumination can develop. You don't want her to fall back into her habit of overthinking. Make new memories. Don't move back, move forward."

She smiled. "Inhale the future, exhale the past"

It made sense to Luciano. To move forward, not looking back to be strangled by his past again, still did start over meant forgetting those memories.

He leaned forward to express his opinion. "If I do not remind her, she will forget how amazing we were. She will fail to realize how happy we were together. Fail to realize what we were before the..." He paused and shook his head. "I just want her to see—"

She interrupted him.

"That you're meant to be?" She asked and he stared at her, his eyes an answer enough.

What is wrong with showing your woman you're better off with no one but each other?

Nala didn't share that sentiment as she placed the notebook on the table and moved to sit at a distance across from him. "Luciano, you don't have to prove it to her. That's not what Teresa wants, trust me. She doesn't want you trying to force her to remember what you once were. To prove no man is good enough for her. To show her all the things you've done to be with her. Luciano, you want to live in the present, build a future and leave the past."

Build a future

A better future, he thought.

He leaned back into his sofa with a smile. "I suppose I'll cancel the puppy" Her eyes widened.
"You bought her another dog?"

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