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Teresa began to look around wondering if anyone noticed the tension building up. Neither man backed down and Luciano stood there without a slight change regardless of Dante and Adriano being there. It was as if they were for her and not him.

When Teresa caught Laura's eye, they for once were on the same page and both grasped their men's arms.
"Now now boys. This is a peaceful event. No weapons" She said, giving Santino the eye most definitely and Teresa noticed where his hand were.

He most definitely carried a weapon and Luciano seemed the least bothered by it. "Especially not around the baby" Laura added as if she were whispering, but Teresa knew better. Luciano glanced at Laura who rubbed her stomach and his eyes flickered back to Santino whose hand began to retreat as he stepped back to encircle Laura's waist with his arm.

Teresa rolled her eyes. Trying to be in the spotlight again? Typical Laura. Luciano would only want her dead even more. Luciano stepped back with a nod.
Then looked down into Teresa's eyes. "We should move on yes?"

She nodded with a smile and when she laid her hand on Luciano's face, it wasn't to brag or flaunt him it was because he was staring straight into her soul and it was palpable. He was staring at her. His wife. His Queen. His woman.

Her hand slid down his jaw and just as if he couldn't wait any longer than she, he lowered his head and their lips descended. Her eyes fluttered closed as their kiss sparked passion throughout her body. She felt as if the dress was suddenly getting smaller in an ask to burst out of it so she and Luciano could touch skin to skin. In just a few seconds, their tongue slithered against another, lip-sucking another, he was giving, claiming, and taking all he could because he wasn't sure when he would get it again.

Adriano's eyes slid to Laura's who was wearing a furious grandma face at the scene of Luciano and Teresa kissing as if they weren't in a crowd but that was Luciano. PDA at his finest, especially with Teresa and a week of no physical affection.

"Adriano!" He heard and for the umpteenth time, they saw Nina heading for him. Clearing his throat, he quickly said, "I'm getting a drink"

Luciano pulled away, with a smirk as he saw that dazzling desire in Teresa's eyes. Her pupils augmented as she thought of Luciano's body possessing hers in all aggressive ways.

Luciano glanced around before tugging Teresa away. Her heart was already thumping from that kiss but it raced quicker when she saw he was leading her to the bathroom. He tugged her in and locked the door behind them as she walked over to the sink, gripping it.

She breathed out the breath she deliberately was holding as her conversation with Laura replayed in her head. She shook her own at how nasty she was. How could she remind a woman of her pain that way? When she went through her suffering and it wasn't easy. It wasn't fair. It was wrong.

Luciano stared at her reflection through the mirror. She wanted to cry, she would've if she could but she had it planted in her head that she couldn't. She was regretting it but wouldn't falter right now but later.

Teresa huffed as she rose her eyes and Luciano was staring at her. She was going to apologize as she turned around, but the knock on the door interrupted. It was Dante and Luciano gave a firm nod before closing the door and walking up to her, surrounding her in his arms of comfort. He shushed her and turned her around in his chest. "I know." He whispered.

She laid her hands around his arms surrounding her as her head laid back against him. "It's okay Tesoro. Relax. I'm here" He continued to soothe her and kissed her cheek.

She giggled as she remembered him squaring Santino.
"That was a turn on" She heard his chuckle and he tightened his arms around her and kissed her neck whispering, "You're telling me" He smirked. "You became Mireia in seconds."

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now