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DANTE was drying his soaking hair with a towel after a much-needed warm shower and walked into the kitchen where he saw Teresa sitting on the stool. Again, she wore Luciano's shirt and no pants but he could see the black lace she picked out.

Tossing the towel, he walked up to her with a smirk as he asked, "Do you not know what pants are?"

She ignored him and faced him with her question lingering in her mind. "What does Luciano have planned?"

Dante's eyebrows furrowed. He ought to ask Luciano that. He shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure. He just said he wants me there because I'm family" Teresa groaned and he wondered why she seemed so freaked out and frantic about the planned event. Her wheels turned in her head, her eyes wandered around as she had her thinking face on.

Then she gasps. "Oh God" She whispered aloud with a haunted expression that made his eyes stare in confusion and concern. "He's going to propose" She added.

Propose? Dante wondered if she may have been right but isn't it too soon? After all, as far as he knew, before Luciano left for three weeks, they were just beginning to move forward in their relationship. Taking it slowly he thinks. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder why she looked frightened by the thought. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed as she jumped off the stool but spun around just as swiftly as she said, "No!" Her hands crawled into her hair as her eyes darted everywhere nervously. "What if it's because of the meeting?" She questioned.

He wasn't following.

"Luciano said he wanted to go slow. If he's proposing, it's because of the families, a-and I don't want to tell him no in front of everyone. I-i did that the first time and he-" He knew that look.

" Teresa" He stepped up to her and unconsciously she backed away completely troubled and engulfed by her worrying thoughts. "I think you're overreacting just a little. Luciano may not be proposing but just wanting to spend the night with you and everyone."

She laughed. Hysterical.
" Yeah right!" She hollered and her eyes augmented making him stop. Whatever was next, it was bad.
"I'll call Adriano. I bet he knows"

She ran, but he stopped her. "Teresa" He warned as he pressed her against the counter, his hands firmly on her hips. "It will be fine and if Luciano does try, I'll kill him myself" He grinned.

"Kill who?" They heard and both their eyes darted towards the door that closed in front of them and Luciano stood there seeing the two. First, he acknowledged Dante's missing shirt, and that was dismissed. Then Teresa in his shirt without pants which he dismissed again, it's her home but he was hesitant to dismiss Dante's hands gripping her hips.

His eyes rose at Dante, his shoulders rolling to their normal, relaxing position. Still, Dante didn't release which only meant he cared less about his presence.

Dante chuckled as he finally released her, Teresa staring between the two. "Only you" He answered and Luciano's eyebrow rose in amusement.

"If you break her heart of course" Dante added as he gestured to Teresa standing a few inches away from them both. Luciano grinned, that was the first he ever heard that. Not even her father gave him that speech.

Walking up to Dante, he asked, "Do you think because you are a skilled assassin that you could take me?" Teresa knew regardless of Luciano's amused tone, that he was serious on the inside. However, Dante never underestimated his opponent but he also knew just how lethal he was. He took steps forward as well. "You think I can't?" His eyebrow rose.

He chortled. "I mean Luciano aren't you the giving out orders kind of Don? Like the rest of your kind?"

Teresa covered her mouth with a small snicker at the two. "Oh," Luciano said and the oh weighed heavily between the three of them. "You think I'm an amateur in combat then?"

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