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HOLDING her hair back, Teresa placed a kiss on Luca's head and did the same with Tino. Turning the nightlight on, she turned the room lights off and gave her children one glance before closing their door with a sigh.

Today was perfect for her and she was glad to have her children in the same house as her like in old times. 

When she returned to the room downstairs, Luciano rose from his laying position. The first her eyes landed on was the tattoo of her name across his chest. It didn't say Tesoro like she thought it would, it said Teresa and she thought maybe because anyone could be a treasure and he wanted her to know she was specifically his.

"They're finally asleep," She said as she made her way to him as he slid down the bed. He chuckled and grabbed her hands, intertwining their fingers.

"Maybe too much cake?" He teased. He expected them to be bouncing off the walls but maybe since they were so full, they fell asleep in the car.

Her hands locked behind his hair and he sighed as he felt the graze of her acrylics in his silken hair, massaging his scalp so lavishly that it made a throaty sound escape him. "Being a mother is hard, my mother could attest" He chuckled.

Teresa shook her head with a giggle. "I think it's being a mother to a Rossi that's hard" She claimed.
Luciano's eyes widened and the next thing she knew, she was pulled atop of his body and showered with kisses all over. They rolled and he was now standing amused. "Are you insulting yourself, Mrs. Rossi?" He teased.

She tossed her head back into the covers with a laugh and her hand shot out to grasp his rough face in her hands and pulled him to a sweet kiss. He planted a kiss on their intertwined fingers and it dragged her eyes to her ring. "I truly cannot wait to become the man you can marry one day" He whispered.

She was grateful he didn't say soon or even he couldn't wait to just marry her. Since the last time he proposed, they've been quiet and kept their thoughts of marriage to themselves. Marriage seemed to complicate things and so far, it's been nothing but bliss and smiles with each other. Even after the incident with Dante. Luciano had been supportive and understanding and along the way, he was helpful with her therapy.

He was becoming that man she could marry. Hopefully, she could be the woman he could call his wife and truly be real.

"I can't wait to" She responded. It was true, she imagined their wedding. Would she wear white? Was it traditional for Italians to wear it? Did she want to carry on their traditional marriage and if she didn't, would they hate her for it? It didn't matter, Luciano would make the day her dream. A day she wouldn't ever forget.

As she stared at him, her fingers slowly curled into his jaw as she didn't look into his eyes, but at him. Luciano's eyes began to narrow in amusement as her fingers began to crawl over his facial features as if she was studying him. Luciano wasn't just sexy, he was gorgeous. His plump lips, she thumbed smiling at the thought every time he kissed her roughly, her lips hid in his. His eyes, staring into those crystal babies weren't a precious moment like finding the jewel would be. Those eyes could be gates of hell or clouds of heaven, they could be weightless or heavy, impassive or expressive. They could be sealed windows, or doors. Further along his eyes, his cheeks were soft, they were scarred and creased with stress and some days of no sleep. Her man wasn't perfect, but she damn cherished him like he was. 

He deserved to be cherished. 

He deserved a lot and she could see how maybe being his Tesoro made her forget she wasn't just his treasure, but he was hers too. 

Her lips parted as she cupped his face and her eyes fled to his eyes of curiosity.  

He leaned down to kiss her again but she turned her face away. He stopped instantly and rose as she did away from his reach. "What is wrong?" He questioned as he faced her back. Her head was down and her fingers were playing together. It made him think she was jittery or nervous about something. Anxious maybe?

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