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Dante's eyes surveyed the area as he one-handed the wheel to drive onto the side of the street. He put it in a park seeing the two cars parked there. In front of the gate was an SUV.

Her guard was here, but he couldn't have been alive. Still, he searched for a familiar car, Rome's car but it wasn't to be found. He was grateful for that.

Stepping out of the car, he stared at the car and then read the written note on the paper. 2009 Silver Ford Expedition. Dante rolled his eyes, where did they even get that old ass thing he wondered. Stuffing the paper in his pocket, he checked the clip of his Glock.

Kane was here.

Just like he thought.

Dante walked around back, hiding in the dark shadows of the trees. Based on the two cars parked out, there could be half a dozen inside the house. He took a deep breath as this would be the second time in years he's gone in action. The first was an anxiety rush, pulling that trigger, feeling the recoil vibrate in his hand but he was calm and he was always prepared.

Using the flashlight on his phone, he saw a blood trail and he followed it. He was in the backyard when he saw Georgia's guard lying on the ground, the back of his head leaking with blood. He cursed, the son of a bitches snuck him.


He was a tad startled once the guard's eyes snapped open and his hand was fisting into Dante's jacket with a cough. Dante shushed him and grabbed his hand.
"Can you walk?" He questioned. They gave a look and he nodded as they counted to three the guard groaned as Dante pulled him and laid him against the wall of the house. "How long ago were you attacked?"

Dante hadn't expected the man to know, the back of his head looked like a gun was slammed into it over and over. The guard even hissed once palpating the wound. "You need to get yourself checked into a hospital"

The guard groaned, shaking his head but laid his hand against the wall as if he was nearing a fall. "He'll have my head" He claimed referring to Luciano and Dante grinned. "I'll have your head. You may have a concussion and you're no use to me right now. Go"

Handing Dante his gun, he nodded and began to walk the opposite way, towards his vehicle.

The back door was open but wasn't broken into. Of course, Georgia gave Kane keys to sneak in after her curfew. Her guard must've heard Kane and to check it out but was attacked instead.

Damn Georgia.

Dante was inside the two-story house, searching the rooms he walked past for possible threats his eyes traveled everywhere but he paused once hearing her yell. Yelling many, many curse words in Spanish.
That was Teresa's sister.
Rolling his eyes, he kept quiet as he inched closer to the door, the room the voices came from and their muffles became clear coherent words. He peeked through the crack, his eyes surveying, counting the men he'll have to eliminate.

He counted five including the bastard Kane at the foot of her bed, one of his men beside it and they were all laughing at how helpless she was, bound to her bed by restraints. "Latinas eh?" The man joked as he inched closer to her face, brushing her hair back and she spat at him.

His hand rose to assault, but Kane gripped it mid-air. "Back off" He demanded. He pushed him away, the man grumbling something Dante couldn't hear but he knew he was pissed with Kane. Sitting on her bed, Kane brushed his knuckles against her face as tears welled in her eyes.

She felt betrayed and stupid. Most of all, terrified.
When she saw Kane, she couldn't wait for his arms to hold her but then more men came inside her room. She fought, she tried but they all pinned her down and bound her wrists to the bedpost. That's when she knew Kane was a traitor. That's when she knew it was her fault he was in Teresa's life.

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