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SLOWLY, awakening from her sleep from a long night of intense pleasure, Teresa rolled over to cuddle the pillow like she did every day when Luciano was absent. But the pillow wasn't there like usual.

Groaning with the annoyance of her pillow yet again fallen to the floor, her head rose and felt around for it in hopes it was on the bed, when it wasn't, she sighed as her eyes fluttered open.

She rubbed the creases of them as she yawned and her eyebrows began to frown noticing her sheet wasn't dark purple but an ugly shade of green. In confusion, she began to sit up to get a bigger picture of where she was. The bed wasn't Queen sized, but King. The pillows were a lighter tone than the sheets and the blanket was Grey. A terrible decor, she thought.

As she slid down the bed, she noticed two things.
One, she wasn't in her normal clothing but a soft pair of grey basketball shorts and a man's shirt two sizes bigger than her. She felt inside the pants, she had no panties.

The second thing she realized, was she wasn't home but in Dante's house.

She wiped her face with her hands as she began to remember what took place. The intrusion, coming back here and she...

She blinked her eyes and heard her own moan.
She remembered gripping onto his thighs and laying her face in the bed to muffle her whimpers.

She remembered riding his face and using his propped-up knees to stable herself.
Dante smirked as her cheeks were Rosey as she now laid on her back with her legs closed tightly together in a tremble. He began to pull them away and gripped her hands once she tried to stop him. "I can't" She whimpered.

Dante chuckled like a mad man as he tugged them apart and tugged her down the bed. "You can"

She wasn't sure how many orgasms he forced out of her last night but she knew it was enough that she was tired out and fast asleep. She didn't remember putting on clothes though. She would've remembered. After all, they didn't have sex regardless of how many times she begged him and teased her. He wouldn't give in to her. She hadn't even seen his penis!

Now being awoken and aware of these events, she wasn't sure if she wanted that anyway. She didn't know what she wanted anymore.

"I know" She heard Dante say, his voice faint and it was followed by another faint, muffled voice. She didn't care to hear the words because her body coursed with apprehension as she knew who the voice belonged.


He wasn't supposed to be here and especially not on the next day she and Dante did something! She mentally cursed as she jumped out of bed. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hide in there, pretend she was still asleep, eventually,  she would have to wake up, or just walk in there and tell Luciano what she did. Either way, she wanted to tell him, she was going to. She wasn't going to pretend or keep it a secret from him. He deserved to know, didn't he?


Yes, she'll tell him now.

Then she couldn't decide if she regretted what she did or if it was worth it. Dante was worth that moment of pleasure. Did she feel guilty? Of course. Should she? She didn't know.

What about Dante? Was she just another pussy to him? Did he only want this to be a one-time thing? If so, would it be easier for her or harder?

Ugh! She hated being a woman sometimes. So many darn uncertainties crowding her brain.

She sighed and nodded in determination as she walked the room and made her way downstairs. "What are you doing?" She heard Dante ask. Luciano could've answered until they heard her labored breathing from the side of the wall inches where they stood as she made her presence known. All their eyes gazed upon her. Luciano's, Dante's, and Adriano's.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now