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TWO days later and Dante was holding little Dante in his arms while Luciano carried Teresa into the house. The boys heard the door and ran downstairs screaming until Adriano shushed them.

Luciano sat her on the couch. "Do not rush her" He demanded and the boys slowed their feet and went up to her, questioning if she was okay and she nodded kissing their foreheads. Her eyes slid to Dante as he sat down next to her to show them their brother.

"Meet your little brother. Dante" They were so adorable having never seen a newborn before. They claimed he was so little and small. It made them all chuckle.

Dante rose his eyes to Luciano with a smirk. "I hope you're good at football" He claimed.

They sat there, them all watching the boys interact with the baby. Even though he couldn't interact with them back, they seemed intrigued and amazed by him. Teresa however, wanted to finally lay down as she winced.

"Teresa?" Dante glanced at her. Luciano rose his eyes from the baby to stare at her in concern.

"I just need rest" She assured.

"We probably took you home too soon" Adriano worried but she shook her head instantly.

"No. No. I'm fine. Just-" Luciano nodded as he handed the baby to Dante. He scooped her in his arms as he carried her upstairs to their room and laid her on the bed. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded and pulled him down for a kiss. "This body just needs some time to heal" She teased.
"I love you my dear husband" He kissed her again with a smirk. They did it. They made it. They were finally married. Finally husband and wife. They came a long way. "I love you to my wife. My Tesoro. My Queen. Now get some rest"

Dante was waiting downstairs alone. Adriano had taken little Dante and the boys out of the house for a little while. He and Luciano had business to handle.

He stood up with a grave look once he saw his reflection in Luciano. They didn't say anything but nodded and Dante followed Luciano down the hall towards their basement.

He shut and locked the door and watched Luciano remove his blazer, his Rolex, and his shirt leaving him shirtless. On the table were his gold brass knuckles and Dante smirked as his eyes flew to the man sitting in the center of the white bright light. Not even that could cut through the ominous tension surrounding him.

A black blindfold was over his eyes, ropes bound his wrists behind his back and his ankles to the chair. He was quiet even as he heard the two boots hit the floor descending upon him.

Luciano cleared his throat as if making it known of his presence, inducing fear into his victim. At least that was the reasoning but still, the man hadn't uttered a sound nor flinched and made a move. Felt like an old version of Dante. Fearless and prepared to handle pain.

"You tried to poison my wife's drink," Luciano said as he placed his other brass on. "Did you think I wouldn't have the identification of every doctor who cared for her?"

He snatched the blindfold off and his fist slammed into the man's mouth. His head slammed to the side as blood dropped to the floor.

Dante folded his arms. This would be the first he watched torture and did not participate. Luciano punched him again.

He knocked blood out and as they heard his chuckle, he spits out his blood to the floor to glance at Dante who only grinned until he wasn't anymore. The man recognized him and a smirk crept upon his face. It was clear he wasn't afraid.

Maybe not yet. Dante tossed his jacket to the floor as he sped up to the man and rammed his face so hard he slammed to the ground. "Ouch" Luciano chuckled.

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