Chapter 9- This is War

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AS they lay together in tranquility, Teresa's hand at his neck massaged the small hairs against him as his hand massaged her raw and sore ass. One practically the color of sunburn and she sighed against him.

Their legs tangled with each other, hers under and his over but their hips brushing against each other and as he exhaled, she could feel a small part of his stomach lower and rise once more as he felt hers.

Skin to skin, nothing was better than that.

"What if it's a girl?" She suddenly asked.

During this pregnancy, she was optimistic about a girl. She dreamed of teaching her the ways of a woman. To help her child through the puberty stage when she would grow bigger than many girls her age. Teresa once went through it and still as a twenty-two-year-old, she was envied by many women and hated by many men that would claim she was only wanted by her body nothing more.

For her breasts, her ass, and her preciousness between her legs.

Teresa often believed them. As a stripper, it worsened. What else would she think? They were right. That's what a man saw first in her. She didn't want her daughter to go through that in high school.

She also couldn't wait to dress her up so beautifully when she was still young, a miracle baby. Luciano would buy her heart everything she desired.

She would have older brothers, Uncles, cousins, and her parents to protect her from the cruel world. Especially her father.

Teresa closed her eyes to imagine a fictional image of what her child could like like. No doubt she would look so similar to her brothers. Green or brown hazel eyes and brown hair. Teresa would be surprised if she came out with something different. She would be her Mama's twin. At least Teresa hoped had the boys stolen Luciano's looks first.

Even with all the positivity, Teresa couldn't overlook the bad. Normally fathers treated their sons differently from their daughters. Boys were protectors while the girl was the princess overwhelmed and trapped by overprotective masculinity. She feared it would be only worse with Luciano being who he was. Would he lock her in the tower to hide her from the shadows of the dark world too?

"What do you mean?" He whispered, finally replying. He would love her no less. Besides the thought of having a princess, made his lips curl into a grin of hope and want.

Teresa's head rose upward and as he felt it, his eyes lowered down to stare into her eyes. She hoped for a girl but there was something underneath that longing that hadn't made his heart thump but dread. Why?
"Would you send her away?"

Luciano had stared at her in disbelief that she ask such a thing but also in compassion had he had an idea of why she would think so.

His eyes averted and her hand slid up to his face in question. Tesoro how-" He exhaled as he pulled her closer into his body. "No." He stated. "No of course not. Why would you think that Tesoro? I would never"

Maybe if he hadn't done this to his present children, he wouldn't have felt hurt by the question. Was she thinking he was a father sending their children away all the time? Taking their happiness and crushing all of their hearts? Is that what she thought of him as a father? Is that what he thought of himself because lately, that's what he's done? Sent his children away and caused heartache to them all for it.

He always heard this world wasn't for a little girl which was why his mother longed for a boy, like him and they never tried again, because they didn't want to drag their princess here. Did he want to do the same?

Was it wrong?

Teresa raised her head as Luciano's muscles tensed underneath her and his jaw clenched as his eyes grew distant and pensive but most of all, frightened and hurt. "Hey"

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