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Mikele, one of Laura's men watched as a silver Ford Expedition drove towards them at a normal pace and he slid his phone out to dial Laura. She answered on the first ring. She placed it on speaker for Santino to hear as he laid beside her, massaging her stomach.

"He's back" He stated. Laura and Santino shared a shocked glance. He's not dead then, that was a shocker.

: The woman? She asked and he nodded for one of the men with guns to open the door as the car slid to a stop. The door was opened and when he moved aside to see, he cursed. "Kane is dead"

Laura rolled her eyes, of course, he was.
"And frozen. Looks like he was shoved in a freezer" He added and Santino chuckled. Classic.

Mikele grabbed the phone in the glove compartment and searched through it but there was nothing on it. Laura claimed Dante must've caught on to him.

Go back to the woman's home.

Mikele furrowed in confusion. For what exactly? Before he could ask, Kane's phone rang and Laura was quick to demand they answer it. He did, setting it on speaker phone.

Santino rose to listen closely.

"I have a message for you. Keep your rodents. Luciano sends his regards" Then it hung up and Mikele stared confused. Laura rose instantly demanding them to get away from the truck. He turned to shout and Laura along with Santino, heard the loud blow before the line disconnected.
"Damnit it!" She yelled, tossing the phone on the bed.

Santino moved to console her until their door was knocked on and the only man that dared to enter was his Capo. "You're father is here to see you"

Santino cursed as he rose from the bed tossing on a shirt. He kissed her forehead and rushed downstairs outside where his father was waiting in the car. He didn't like Laura therefore he didn't like stepping foot in the house and his father was an asshole, a vengeful asshole but one he looked up to. One he respected as Don, wanted to become just as he.

And he knew why he was there. Knew it wouldn't be good. Unexpected visits never were.

Once he was inside, he turned to face his father and explain but instead, he hollered as the end of his father's gun was pounded into his forehead. Not once, but twice. "Padre!" He yelled in protest and he was hit again before his father sat back in his seat in a cool manner.

He grunted as his head began to pound and his father held out a handkerchief to wipe the blood.

He didn't wait for him to clean himself before he got straight to business. "Luciano Rossi has called a meeting with you"

He hissed as he shook his head in confusion. What meeting? His father didn't stop to tell him. He continued. "You will make amends. Even if it means giving up that ¹puttana you've so recklessly knocked up... again"

Santino opened his mouth to demand respect but his father cared less about Laura. His father gripped his nape hard, his index and thumb digging into his flesh as he reprimanded him. "Decades it's been peaceful and you throw it all away like that? What for, son? You're sleeping with a traitor. How do you know she will not betray you as well? All of this is her vendetta I know it. You're a fucking puppet son!" He yelled as he squeezed him harder and Santino's eyes squeezed shut even tighter as he grunted out, refusing to show weakness.

His father pushed him away. "It's costing us." He said and adjusted to grip Santino's face to stare into his eyes. His father's eyes were always so cold and deadly. Intimidating even him. "You fucking show up to the meeting and you fix it. Luciano Rossi is a wrathful man, my son. You have broken the code. You have embarrassed me and the elders are furious. Do you dare introduce that woman as your wife? Your mother would be ashamed of you" He snarled and it hit Santino deep into his chest.

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