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THE bright white flash of light struck Teresa's face a moment before she crossed her thighs over, the thin and red tie of her silk translucent robe grazed her skin. Her eyes followed the man holding the camera but she hadn't held the man's gaze, but the camera's and the tip of her tongue darted against her dark shadowed matte lips.

"Give me more hair!" The manager yelled and in a rush, another crew member ran forward to place a fan near her, out of the camera's sight, and turned it on. Her fluffed hair flew across her face slightly, laying over her lips and she used it.

This is her peace. Her therapy. Modeling. The cameraman followed her to the floor as she sunk to her knees imagining Luciano underneath her, his hands would firmly grip her hips. He would whisper that she was undoubtedly the sexiest woman he's ever laid eyes on. His deep Italian accent would flow off his lips.

Luciano walked into the building and instantly his eyes had been tugged to the woman currently on her knees in a mesh, red-edged lace pattern bralette. Her nipples had been covered by the flower, her peaks being surrounded by the petals as if they were the seed. His eyes lowered to the matching bikini lace bottoms. The straps are thin, almost near a thong. The satin robe draped over the floor as it opened revealing her breasts first to the camera. He grinned as he made his way near the cameraman and her eyes found his. A seducing smirk came over her. Then her lips parted, her eyes darkened and her hand trailed down the mid of her breasts.

A small groan from him as he held her magnetic eyes. She knew how to turn him on. He had been scrutinizing her and he found an error-something he didn't like. So he fixed it.

"Turn the fan off. Tesoro, use your hair" He ordered, and even when he saw the Manager's offended face, the man did it and Teresa obliged. Her fingers bunched in her curled hair, strands falling over her face giving her the irresistible temptress he was looking for.

His eyes never faltered nor did the desire to kiss her, bite her and all the more, wrap his hand around her petite throat. So many things he could do to that woman, so many he's done, so many he can't wait to do again.

A click was heard and his eyes swapped over to Nina. She wore a similar outfit to Teresa only she hadn't worn a robe to accessorize it and she focused more on her backside, looking over her shoulder at the camera. He chuckled. Adriano encouraged her to model with Teresa. She hadn't been an expert, but neither was Teresa when she started. They have already been women of sex, being former strippers. They were natural, and they loved to use their bodies. Unlike Teresa, Nina was getting paid for it. Teresa hadn't cared of course being engaged to a rich Don; him.

After an hour of watching Teresa, he left. He often came to check in or observe his woman when she modeled. Of course, he got every photo taken but seeing her in person, up close was far better.

Teresa, who had barely given Luciano's coming and leaving a thought, since he did it so often, sighed as she began to put her hair into a ponytail heading for her dressing room. She needed a break. She couldn't wait to see her new headshots. Furthermore, couldn't wait to see herself online featuring the new lingerie outfit. Taking off her robe, she grabbed her shorts, changed into them, and then looked in the mirror, her eyes widening in shock as she turned around quickly.

Her sister stood behind her with a shriek and Teresa screamed as they ran into each other's arms.
"Georgia!" She squealed, jumping up and down like children but she couldn't help it. She hadn't seen her younger sister in so long and she was in Italy, in her dressing room, standing in front of her. She was so gorgeous, just like Teresa. "Oh my God, you're supposed to be in Brazil, what are you doing here?"

She hadn't asked how she got in, she knew that answer. Luciano. Giggling, Georgia pulled Teresa to sit on the sofa. Tossing her bag on the table, Georgia blew a breath out. "Girl, it's boring there without you anymore. Besides, Rome went out of the country for work again. Dad was supposed to come, but you know how hellbent he is about Luciano and Italy" She shrugged after her last sentence causing Teresa to roll her eyes with a sigh. Her father continued to hold a grudge.
Not that she blamed him, Luciano had beat him for not giving up her location. Then again her father forgave him for that, but what he couldn't forgive Luciano for was killing his brothers even though they tried to kill him first, shooting her in the process. Well, she jumped in front of the bullet and they didn't know who she was. Teresa also knew Rome and Georgia both continue to hold that grudge as well, but because they loved her so much, they hadn't spoken their opinion on it since it came to light. They completely avoided the topic, but Teresa always knew it was controversial and was likely to stir up future problems between her and Luciano's family. For now, Luciano had been forced to make peace with them. She didn't force him to have a relationship with them, but he did have to be decent and cordial with them. However, because of who he was, her siblings still hadn't warmed up to him.

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