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SANTINO released a blissful sigh as he rolled to his side and pulled Laura who was giggling into his embrace.
"God that was..."

"Breathtaking?" She questioned as she bit her lip and tapped her fingers on his heaving chest. He chuckled and grabbed her soft hand to place a kiss on her palm.
"I was going to say undeniably amazing," He said and she lifted to kiss him sweetly.

Rising, he huffed as he knew what was next. She was to leave. "Why won't you stay?" He asked as he watched her put on a robe, covering her perfectly naked body. "Because your father is hellbent on handing me away to Luciano. Besides I need to stay low-key, in the shadows. I can help you this way" She explained.

When she turned around with a smile, she noticed his face turning upside down. She expected happiness after what they had just done but instead, he was grasping the blanket, his eyes distant. "I miss you" He whispered.
She sighed and crawled back onto his bed to straddle him and lock her arms around his neck.

Of course, she knew it was hard. But she couldn't get caught by Luciano and make her child motherless. Not only did she provoke him furthermore with the ambush on him, but his Tesoro too and she knew he was out for blood more than usual. With all that said, she had to show Luciano the measures she was willing to take to show him how serious she was.

"You know I would've had Teresa if it wasn't for Dante" She pouted with her arms slumped down as if she were truly sad and Santino chuckled as he took her into his arms like his baby and coddled her with kisses to her face.

For a short second when Laura's minions called her claiming they had Dante and Teresa unconscious and in the car, she wondered how did they manage to knock down the big assassin. Well, her happiness was shot down when they didn't report back to her, their car was found on the street, three bodies, and Teresa along with Dante nowhere to be found.

Santino wasn't exactly sure what was the purpose of Dante being one of her targets as well. The guy was damn near untouchable. He was practically immortal, in his eyes. His brother never seemed to get caught but others did. They paid the price. The price he should've paid long ago for not killing Luciano as he was ordered to.

Her fingertips grazed his arm before she leaned forward to plant a kiss on them and rose her head to smile. "He was your present. A present I have yet to deliver but I promise I will"

Santino stared at her with a grin. Even though he was certain capturing Dante successfully was as low a chance as getting struck by lightning. However he didn't say so no matter how confident she was, instead, he kissed her forehead and then her lips and whispered, "I love you so much"

Laura was delighted with his words and countenance as she rose her hand to his face and he kissed her once more. She giggled once he hovered over her body and kissed her stomach where a small bulge was there from their future baby. He couldn't wait to be a father. Especially to a princess.

"If you shall get me this present, what do you want in return?" He questioned, with a naughty smirk on his face. Continuing to hold her eye contact, his lips proceeded lower and lower until her hand was gripping his hair and pushing him down to her needy core.

Then the worst thing happened.
The phone rang.

Both groaned in unison for they knew their moment was ruined and he would need to answer it. He did, frustrated and demanding the issue over the phone. Laura rose and kissed his back, her hands roaming up and down his thighs unwilling to let the mood go to waste.

When he faced her, he smirked but that smirk began to fade quickly and she made a small jolt, startled by his yell. "WHAT?!"

He got up instantly. "When did this happen?" Laura could hear voices, but she couldn't hear the words. What was going on she wondered.

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