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Once leaving and in the car, Luciano was holding the towel to her arm with pressure. "You'll need a few stitches but nothing major" He whispered as he brushed her hair away from her cheeks which were wet with tears. Something else was hurting her. Even as he asked, she didn't say, only shook her head.

"Tell me what happened" He demanded and as best as she could, she told him. Adriano was pissed with himself for not keeping a better eye on her. It wasn't their fault though.
"God I apologize Tesoro" Adriano and Dante both follow with their apologies and she smiled because it was nice but she didn't blame any of them.

Adriano had things on his mind, Luciano was doing what Don was supposed to and all three of them couldn't watch her the entire time especially when Luciano already knew where she was heading.

But Dante felt as if he were watching her, he would've seen Laura trail after her and ended it so much sooner.
"Stop it, please. I just have a little cut and my back...it hurts but I've had worse. Should've seen my right hook though" She giggled and earned a fist bump from Adriano. At the mention of her back, Dante kept quiet because the way she was leaning forward, must've been bad. Though she claimed there were no trauma, just an arm needing cleaning, and stitches.

Once they got home, the doctor was already there and Luciano made her sit and get her arm tended to. Once they were finished, Luciano mentioned her back and when they made her turn around, Luciano's body grew cold. Teresa noticed his eyes dim down to blackness.
"It's bad isn't it?" She huffed but he didn't answer.

He couldn't stop staring at the big purple bruise over her lower back. It would've looked as if she was being beaten but her skin being damaged not once but twice was enough to set him off. Their doctor gave her medicine and ointment along with instructions to ice her back and once he left, Luciano hadn't spoken another word.

He helped her shower and put on her PJs and Teresa was annoyed once he left her in her room. Dante walked inside after making sure the girls got home safely. "Luciano wants me to stay over for the night. Too many criminals in Rome right now especially Santino and Laura. Wants to be assured you're protected if someone happens to get courageous after tonight. I'll be here until Luciano leaves"

Her eyes rose. "Leave? Leave where?"

He tensed all over but instead of answering, he scooped her up bridal style making her giggle. "I heard about your back" He sighed. She hadn't said anything, these men blamed themselves regardless if she demanded them not to.

Once depositing her into bed, she rolled her eyes as he threw the blanket over her sloppily. "You suck at this tuck into bed thing" She teased and he only shrugged. Tucking in wasn't his specialty. Not as if she planning to go to sleep, but he didn't know that.
"As for your question, you should talk to Luciano" He answered. "Goodnight Teresa"

As if it was by habit as if he did it before, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. When he pulled away, he saw the shock sprawled across her face.

Dante was nice, he could sweet talk her too but he never made a friendly gesture like that before. The head kiss?! He must've thought she had a problem because he apologized in an instant but she laughed out making him chuckle in a confused way. She grabbed his shirt and tugged him down to kiss his cheek as if she was his little sister. "Goodnight"

She waited till her door was closed and heard the front door close to get out of bed. Huffing, she sat up with a groan. Her back still ached as she held onto the railing of the stairs. Adriano caught her eye downstairs and chuckled as he helped her down. "Don't worry your other friend just went out to do a perimeter check, grab his shit and he'll be back soon."

He grinned as he handed her a glass of rose. She just loved her best friend and knew what she needed.

Of course, Adriano knew Teresa was still stressed after today. It was going so well till the end when Laura got reckless. Adriano apologized again but she rubbed it off and asked about how he was doing. Truthfully? He wasn't sure. What happened today was his fault even if she claimed it wasn't. "After today, I'm not sure about Luciano's next move"

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now