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WHEN they slowed to a halt, she and the boys gazed out of the window to see the lit restaurant. Not only just lit but packed. There was even a waiting line full of people within red ropes and not one, not two but three guards standing at the door and even though the men and women couldn't see it, she knew they were packed underneath those clothes.

She was shocked and faced Luciano who was instant with a response. "I had not wanted to feel tense for you or them."

"But Luciano—" She wanted to rebuttal. It was a big crowd and a mild fear loomed over her. What if something happened? Their children were here and...

Luciano's hand slid over her thigh as he recognized the look in her eyes. She began to overthink. "I promise you are safe. We are safe. Especially in my hands." He whispered in comfort. "Do you trust me?"

Her eyes rose to the car in front of her and the two behind theirs. The three guards at the door and she knew there would be more inside the restaurant, hidden, discreet in the crowd. There would be so many guns if something were to happen.

Carter turned around in his seat to see her worry and she only rose her eyes to his when he called her name.
"Hey don't think. This is a time to relax. Have fun with them. You don't get long Teresa"

In other words, this was also an experience for them. Soon they would be gone again. Luciano intertwined their fingers together and kissed their back of hers.
He was communicating he would not push her, and he was willing to turn the car around for her comfort. It didn't mean anything if she had not felt safe.

"Yes," She answered in a breath. She glanced into his eyes because she knew she needed to look into them when she said this. "I trust you"

Those words meant much to her and they meant much to him so when he smiled, she did to because they had something. They had trust.

After nodding, she heard Adriano speak into his collar but she hadn't focused once her door opened and everyone was in front and lined, conversations rose in tandem. As Luciano's hand tightened around her, her heart began to thud.

It almost felt like the ball. So many people. But these weren't murderers or crime bosses they were normal people wanting to explore the new restaurant in their home. That thought made her queasiness fade to nothing but a small pea. As Luciano's arm encircled her waist instead, Adriano and Carter both held the boys in their arms as they moved before the standing guards.

Her eyes roamed and noticed the SUVs being unpacked with big men. They hadn't worn black as normal guards did. Instead, they were all dressed formally and she knew without a doubt their sleeves and jackets were to carry their weapons as Luciano's blazer coat did.

She grinned as the boys were glancing around as if the guards surrounding them were non-existent. Luciano's eyes fell to their giggling and pointing. He noticed Adriano shaking his head and laughing with them about something.

A thought arose. If the boys saw guards as the new normal, maybe they wouldn't be bothered when they grew up. Maybe it wouldn't make it a hard conversation to explain why these men would follow them around everywhere. Maybe his worry that their life would begin like a hamster in a cage was irrational.

There were so many people inside. Laughing, smiling, and eating with pleased looks on their faces. Others were still pointing and gathering the heritage and traditions of the place. Staring at the decorations, the frames on the walls.

Her thumping heart began to settle less because she wasn't threatened, or in danger, instead, she was sparking on the inside with love. This is what her man did for her. He went to great lengths and she loved him more for it.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now