𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓯𝓽 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

465 18 16

Your favorite regulars have a very big surprise for their favorite nightshift cashier
🚧Kidnapping, Drugging, Bindings, Fear, Pet Names🚧


A yawn left your mouth as you pulled your arms above your head to stretch them, it distracted you from the chime of the door. It wasn't until leather-clad arms dropped themselves and their owner on the counter that you realized the store was no longer empty. "Dont tell me you're tired already darling, don't you have two more hours to go?" 

You smiled at Present Mic as you tried to ignore another yawn that wanted to be free "Dont act like you aren't about to go home and sleep too." A cheeky smile came to his face as he stood up and shrugged, when he walked off you looked to the clock, and sure you've got another hour and forty-five minutes before you can go home and drop dead on your couch. You busied yourself with cleaning the counter as you heard the two men shuffling around the store.

Eventually, they made it up to the counter once more and you got to see Eraserhead for the first time that night. "You look like shit." You remarked with a coy smile that made him roll his eyes "You don't look much better." He grumbled making you laugh as you started to scan their breakfast. It's a huge improvement from a year ago when you first started working night shift and he'd only grunt at you. But you guess after you helped him when he came stumbling in with that stab wound it would be quite rude to not have a mild conversation with you every once in a while. 

They paid and grabbed their bag and once again the store was quiet. It's not surprising, this place is on the edge of town and on the smaller side. You really only get the late-night board teens and the grumpy morning commuters most times, well until those two pros started coming almost daily. You're not sure if they just cant cook or if their that tired all the time. 


You swear a holy light was shining behind your replacement as he walked threw the door to take over, but that was probably more just your glee to finally go home knowing tomorrow was your day off. You quickly clocked out and grabbed yourself an energy drink before you left.

The chilly morning air hit you like a truck, forcing you to pull the jacket wrapped around you tighter as you walked around the front of the store and to the back where the employees park their cars. You had just made it around the corner when you swore you heard footsteps. You stopped to look around the still-dark parking lot but only two cars greeted you. You shook it off as just your tired mind mistaking your own steps for foreign ones and went over to your car.

If that was the first red flag the second was that you're sure you put your keys in your jacket pocket when you got out of your car this morning but your hands are as deep as they can be and yet you haven't felt the cold metalness of a key. You pulled the car door and muttered a fuck as it was indeed locked. You slammed your purse on the hood and started shuffling around hoping you just mistook the placement and didn't once again lock your keys in your car. You can't afford to call those fucking locksmiths again this month!

You danced from one foot to the other trying not to think about how cold it was. You started to dump the purse on your hood when suddenly a different kind of chill came over you. The purse fell from your hands as strong arms wrapped themselves around your midsection and hoisted you into the air. A scream ripped from your throat but it didn't make it far out your mouth before something cloth wrapped around your mouth silencing you. 

You tried to thrash around, free yourself, but those arms held a steady grip on you as they pulled you across the parking lot. In that time the cloth thing had also snaked around your eyes and arms effectively caging you. You felt another set of arms join in as you were hoisted up and laid down on rough carpet. The cloth was pulled from your mouth by a finger, you tried to scream but just as quickly as the cloth was removed it was put back but this time it was wet. It smelled like cleaner but with a sweet twist. Whatever it was, it was making your eyes hard to keep open.


You groaned as you woke up, pulling the covers farther up over your head to block out the sun's light. You are not opening your eyes, the world could be ending for all you care, it's your day off and you plan to enjoy it! 

That was of course until you felt your bed dip with the weight of another person "Hey sleepyhead, you gonna get up and eat soon?" You basically threw yourself up, eyes flying open like they were gonna pop out of your head. Mic's hands quickly grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back down as your groggy brain finally remembered a very important fact. You never made it home last night!

You looked up to see the smiling pro hero above you, and past him a room you did not recognize. "Hey, chill it girly. We don't wanna have to strap you down." You ignored his warning, trying to push him off to no avail. This was fucking crazy! This is the shit that only happens in crappy dark romance novels! This can not be real! 

"Sho, grab the straps!"

"Get the fuck off me your creep!"

He turned back to you and tsked his tongue as if he was scolding a child "Trust me, hun, it would be mighty smart to just let us take care of you." 


(1004 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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