Home sick

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Duyu had taken Mia to the forest while she dropped Emily off with a different nylock friend.

She was quite tired after all the hard work of capturing them because Emily woke up pretty quick so she had to give her to a nylock that was strong enough to handle her, but Mia was still asleep so she could handle that so duyu decided to get some sleep too.

About half an hour later Mia started wo wake up a bit and found herself lying in the middle of the forest with duyu close by her.

When she moved to get up, duyu heard her and woke up suddenly and looked at Mia.

" What are you doing pink ranger? " Duyu asked.

" Where's Emily?"

" She's with the master, she was too much for my to handle," duyu said bringing her self up off the floor.

" Master? Is she ok? " Mia asked getting worried.

" It doesn't bother me if she's ok or not so I don't have a answer for your question, " duyu said as Mias face was stunned, she didn't want anything to happen to Emily, " please just let us go home! " Mia begged looking round her to try get her bearings.

" How about no, " duyu said laughing.

....................... Samurai ...............

" Guys this is crazy! The girls are no where to be seen! " Mike said slamming his fist into a brick wall.

" Mike calm down....."

" no Jayden! Do fucking tell me to calm down!! It's not your girlfriend that's been kidnapped and getting threatened with their life's! " Mike shouted.

Jayden sighed, " Mike I know how you must be feeling....."

" no actually you don't, because, wait... Oh yeh you've never had a girlfriend before! " Mike shouted.

" And there's obviously a reason for that! So this wouldn't happen! " Jayden shouted back.

" You can't help when you love someone Jayden!! You want to care for them and keep them safe! "

" Well your not doing a very good job! " Shouted Jayden.

" Hey! We didn't know they were gonna get kidnapped ! "Kevin shouted getting himself involved.

" Well first Emily nearly gets killed them both your girlfriends go missing! Do you guys want a certificate?!? "

Mike and Kevin were both ready to lunge at Jayden at this point but mentor shows up and stops them, " boys, you can't fight over this, its not going to help the girls! " Mentor said.

" Your right mentor! If we are going to help them we need to look! " Kevin said.

" Let's go! " Jayden said.

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