6th ranger

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" So Antonio, how did you become a ranger? " Mia asked.

" Well because when me and Jayden were little we were best friends, weren't we Jay? "

Jayden nodded, " it's true."

" And then me and my dad moved away and to make sure that I would come back, Jayden gave me clawzord," Antonio said.

" Yes and by the time I was going to get it back, Antonio had already moved and Jayden threatened to quit being a samurai ranger if I tracked him down, " mentor added.

" I was just a kid," Jayden smiled.

" So yeh, and I found a old phone and made it into a morpher and connected it to clawzord," Antonio said finishing off his story.

" So your not born into a samurai lifestyle, " Kevin said while he kept pacing back and forward behind Mike and Mia.

" No I'm obviously not, but I'm still a power ranger! " He said.

" Yes, but not a samurai," Kevin shot back.

" Kevin shut up and give him a chance! " Mia said to him, " you know what, sometimes I'm so embarrassed by you! " She said as she stormed out the room.

Kevin sighed and went after her.

" Sorry Antonio, Kevin doesn't really like change," Emily said.

" It's ok, but I do want to become part of your team, it would be a honour to fight beside the samurais," Antonio said looking over to Jayden who looked to mentor.

" How about you come back tomorrow for a little interview, then we will decide," mentor said.

" Ok well I will see you guys tomorrow! " Antonio said as he got up and left the Sheba house.

................... Samurai .............

" Mia please wait! " Kevin said as he was following Mia to her room.

Mia slammed the door of her and Emily's room in his face as her opened it again and walked in and sat beside her on the pink Rangers bed.

" Kevin I'm not in the mood, " she whispered.

" Mia look, I'm sorry that I was rude and everything to him, it's just he's not a proper ranger," Kevin said as Mia glared at him.

" Well he did a better job than you today! " Mia snapped at him, " i mean come on Kevin, if that's you trying to make a good impression on yourself and just remember whatever you say it affects me as well!"

" Mia...."

" No Kevin no! " She cut him off.

Kevin could see in Mia's eyes that she was clearly angry, " look will talk later bab......."

" Don't you dare "babe" me! Get out!! " She shouted at him.

Kevin nodded and walked out the room and shut the door.

" Oh shit, I've really mucked up this time, " he said to himself as he put his head against the wall.

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