Final countdown

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Mia felt tears filling up in her eyes.
Dekker was taking Emily to the forest so she could pay for ruining her plans and Mia was trying her best to stop it but it worst working.

" Duyu what do we have to do to stop this? " Mia begged.

" Nothing! There's nothing you can do.
If you Rangers fight and kill our species everyday, you pay the price! " She shouted back.

" Does Em even know what's happening? " Mia asked terrified for the little one.

" Not yet, but she will be informed."

Mia wished so much that the boys would find them and soon.

....................... Samurai ....................

The boys were still wondering round the city getting even more scared for the girls, it had been almost 24 hours and still no sign of them and the boys were refusing to eat or relax until they were found.

" Guys I know you are gonna have another rage at me for saying this but you guys haven't had like anything to eat and you need something to keep your energy up," Jayden said to Mike and Kevin who just glared back at him.

" How about a rainbow cookie, then you could eat it when you we are looking," offered Jayden.

Mike felt tears in his eyes at the thought of rainbow cookies, they were Emily's favourite but the group didn't like her eating them because they made her even more hyper than she already was.

When Jayden bought 3 rainbow cookies he passes one to Mike and one to Kevin.

Kevin was about to take a bite but he started at it for a second, he could see the smarties in it, blue, green, red, pink and yellow, he wished the group could be together again, it was better like that.

Suddenly Mike fell on to the floor and held his head, Kevin and Jayden quickly ran to him," Mike what's wrong? " Kevin asked.

" I can feel it! " Mike said.

" Feel what? "

" Nylock, the girls, they are somewhere in the forest! " Mike said.

" What are we waiting for then? " Kevin said as the 3 boys piled the cookie into their mouths and ran towards the forest.

...................... Samurai ...............

Once Dekker took Emily to the forest to meet Mia and duyu, duyu explain what was going to happen.

" right yellow ranger, so you have caused a lot of trouble along with your pink friend but you have caused the most, especially when you went missing. anyway you are going to get handed a sword and you may only have that weapon agains fighting against me! "

" What? I need my Morpher to fight, " Emily cried as Dekker handed her the sword.

Mia couldn't bear to wittiness what was going to happen next, she knew to fight properly you needed to morph.

Duyu ran towards Emily with a much bigger sword than Emily and they started fighting until duyu strikes Emily in the chest to the bottom of her tummy as she fell to the ground in pain and bleeding.

" That was fun. bye Rangers, " said duyu as she and Dekker walked away and left Mia and Emily.

Mia rand to Emily to try help her up, but she was in far too much pain, " it's ok Emily, I don't know how but I'm going to try get you home, just hold on till then! " Mia cried as she saw how much blood Emily was loosing.

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