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Kevin didn't know what he was feeling.

All he knew that he was very guilty, he had let mentor and Jayden down for start off, he had really hurt his best friends, broken his little sister and killed his girlfriend.

After he finished training he went to the kitchen to try read some books on the samurai lifestyle.

When picked up the book and tried to start reading it but it didn't work, the words turned into a blur and he started to feel dizzy so he slammed the book down onto the table.

" I'm such a idiot! " He shouted.

Mentor was quickly through when he heard him shout this, " Kevin, that is no way to talk about yourself, but you have mad a big mistake that has hurt everyone, " mentor said as he sat Kevin down on a stool and he sat beside him.

Kevin felt tears welling up in his eyes, he had just realised all the stuff he said, " oh mentor, this is bad. I have to say sorry to them," Kevin said.

Mentor frowned, " I'm afraid you will have to wait, the Rangers have gone."

" Where? Are they together? " Kevin asked.

Mentor shrugged his shoulders, " I actually don't know Kevin, but if I'm
Honest I don't think they are together."

Kevin punched the stool, he was so angry with himself, " anything could happen to them out there," he thought to himself.

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