The answer

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Mia looked at Kevin in shock, he was kneeling down in front of her with a ring in his hand wanting to marry her in her favourite restaurant. She was so shocked and overwhelmed she didn't know what to say other than....

............. samurai ............

" I wonder if mias going to say yes," Antonio said as he sat down with his dinner plate, it was dinner time for the rangers and this was the moment of the day that Emily dreaded the most.

Mike picked up his and Emily's plates while she sat awkwardly at the table and smiled and thanked mike as he placed the plate in front of her as she started down at him as mike looked at her suspiciously as she smiled trying to hide her expressions.

Mike watched her carefully as she picked up her knife and fork fully aware that mike was watching her as she cut off a tiny bit of chicken and placed it into her mouth as she started chewing trying to force herself to shallow it.

" em, are you alright?" Antonio asked as Jayden now turned to see what was going on as he saw tears filling up in her eyes as she nodded and finally managed to swallow it which now made mike even more concerned as to what was going on with her.

" it's delicious thank you!" Emily smiled as everyone nodded and carried on eating their meals. When emily has a look around to see everyone concentrating on eating their own meals she pulled out a napkin and quickly put the biggest bit of chicken onto it and folded it up before anyone saw her.

 When emily has a look around to see everyone concentrating on eating their own meals she pulled out a napkin and quickly put the biggest bit of chicken onto it and folded it up before anyone saw her

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Little did she know mike was looking out of the corner of his eye and has seen the whole thing. Worried, angry and concerned were all understatements to him but he couldn't show it, not until him and Emily where alone at least. Emily was the last person that mike wanted to fall out with, but he loved Emily and cared for her deeply, even if it was to cause I fall out, he had to address the issue.

He watched Emily put another small amount of food into her mouth as she pushed her plate forward and tried to hold back the tears in her eyes which made mikes heart crumble, he hated seeing her upset. He just wanted to know why she was doing this to herself.

............. samurai .............

" yes!" Mia screamed as Kevin got up from one knee and kissed her as everyone in the restaurant started clapping and cheering as Mia and Kevin both felt so happy and emotional at the same time.

" I'd be honoured to be Mia stonewall," she smiled as Kevin placed the ring on her engagement finger as she looked at it with loving eyes, she had never seen anything more beautiful.

" I'm going to pay for the bill, then let's go celebrate," he said before quickly kissing Mia as he paid for the meal and they walked outside as Mia pulled out her phone.

" hello?" She heard Emily say down the line.

" IM ENGAGED!" She screamed down the line as they heard Emily and all the booths cheering down the phone as she and Kevin laughed.

" congratulations guys!" Emily cheered as mike grabbed the phone off her.

" congrats but pass me onto kev," he said as Mia handed Kevin the phone, " Kevin you did it man!"

Kevin laughed, in-fact he had never felt happier. He said his goodbyes to mike and the rest of the rangers and thanked them again, hung up the phone and just started at his girlfriend, admiring her everything. Her walk, her talk, her hair, her smile. Everything.

Mia and Kevin decided to treat themselves and go into a bar, Kevin especially would never drink but as a one off for his life changing moment he thought he'd give himself a night off from the samurai lifestyle.

Before they walked inside Kevin took both mias hands as he rubbed the ring on her left hand as he looked up into her eyes and smiled, " I love you Mia Jacobs."

She blushed as she squeezed his hands tighter.

" I love you too Kevin Stonewall."

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