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" can you find anything Kevin?" Mia asked, the rangers and mentor had been awake for most of the night trying to figure out what Emily's infection was or what it could have been caused from.

" I've searched basically every book and there's nothing," Kevin sighed.

" we need to find something! We don't know what that nylock is doing with her," Jayden sighed angering mike but deciding to keep his mouth shut to save another arguement.

" I still can't believe you just handed Emily, your girlfriend over to a nylock when she was dying mike! Are you sick of her! Are you trying to get rid of her?" Jayden shouted as mike stormed over to him ready to throw a punch before Antonio pulled him back and Mia quickly stood in the middle of both of them noticing that both boys had their fists clenched.

" I need to cool off," Jayden said walked off towards to the bathroom as mike stormed off outside to deckers cave. Mike couldn't bare to hear any of the arguments any longer and just needed to see the one and only person he cared about and that was Emily.

When he arrived at deckers cave he felt a cold breeze hit him as he shivered and rubs his arms.

" decker it's mike, I'm coming in," mike shutouts as he lifts up a foot as decker come to the entrance.

" I don't think that's a good idea green ranger."

Mike looked at him instantly getting worried, " let me see my girlfriend," mike demanded.

" I must warn you green ranger, the first few steps of this treatment is crucial, she will become more ill before she becomes better."

" out my way," mike shouts walking past decker inside the cave as his eyes open in shock.

" Emily!" He shouts running up to her as decker pulls him back.

" I know it looks back, but it's for the best green ranger. I know what I'm doing."

Mike could hardly bare too long, Emily was strapped to a bed, she looked like she had lost about 2 stone and it had only been a day. She was also strapped to heaps of machines, with needles with different liquids going into different parts of her body while she sweated, and sweated but shivering as if she was cold.

" that's an unhealthy weight, she's skin and bone. Can't you feed her?" Mike whispered in shock with the state of his girlfriend.

" I'm hoping to be able to feed her in the next 3 days when we see the infection starting to vanish," decker replied as mike stopped him.

" 3 days? She won't last 3 days Decker! I can see each of her bones through her skin!" Mike shouted as the top of his voice as Emily's eyes quickly opened as mike seen this and ran over to her but was careful not to touch her.

Emily couldn't only see a blur out both her eyes, but she could sense mike behind beside her.

" what's happening?" She whispered As she shook with shivers as sweat continued to fall down her face and body as mike had to squeeze his eyes close to stop himself from crying.

" your okay Em, I'm gonna be here and I won't leave your side until your better," he reassured her as she started heavy breathing and continuously blinking trying to make her vision go back to normal but nothing was working.

" it hurts," she cried as she felt paralysed not being able to move anything apart from her eyes.

..................... samurai ...............

The rangers where sitting down having lunch, after having no luck finding out what kind of infection Emily had, they gave up knowing that the only person that must have the slightest idea of what Emily had caught was decker.

" this is horrible," Mia said moving around some of the carrot nuggets that Kevin had made around with her fork as she sighed.

" do you want me to make you something else?" Kevin asked as Mia shook her head and placed her fork on the table.

" not the food Kevin, this!" She cried as the rangers sat in silence, knowing exactly what she meant. The team hasn't been right for ages, with Emily being ill had bring everyone down.

" Someone call mike anyway, I don't trust decker will an Ill Emily, let Alone an ill Emily and mike, he will put his life on the line for her," Kevin said as Jayden pulled out his phone and rang mike.

" hello?" Mike answered quickly and Jayden replied asking how Emily was.

Mike quickly kissed a skinny, weak sweaty and cold yellow ranger on the forehead as she closed her eyes and he quickly left the room.

" jay I dunno what to do, she's sweating, shivering and you won't believe how much weight she has lost," mike whispered trying to hold back the tears.

Suddenly mike heard a loud beeping noise through the phone.

" it's the gap sensor! Mike meet us at lowland park!" Jayden shouted as mike hesitated not wanting to leave alone but knowing he'd have to.

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