Sisters forever

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Mia and Emily walked through to the living room where the boys were and sat down beside them.

" Hey, what are we doing for dinner tonight, I'm starving! " Emily said.

" Pizza! " Mike quickly shouted out.

" Yes! Pizza! " Emily begged, the others had to agree or else she would do her puppy dog eyes and that was the teams weakness.

" Pizza it is, " Kevin sighed.

" And I'm buying, so I can apologise for they way I acted earlier, " Mia said handing Mike the money.

" Ok who's coming with me to get it? " He asked.

" I'll come, I need a walk, " Emily said as her and Mike left the building.

Mike reached out for Emily's hand, Emily looked down and saw his hand and put her hand into his as the walked down the street to the pizza parlour.

" So you didn't even tell me what happened Em," Mike asked.

" Well me and Mia had a fight and she locked me in the room, but she didn't mean for me to get hurt, " Emily said.

Mike smiled and let go of Emily's hand and put his arm round her shoulders and she put her head into his chest.

" Your so forgiving, " he whispered.

" Well it Mia, she's like a sister to me, I would never hate her," Emily said.

" yeah, I understand stand what you mean, that's like the same with me and Kevin," Mike said.

............... Samurai .............

" Mia, can we have a word? " Kevin asked her as her and Kevin walked to Kevin and mike's bedroom.

" Mentors going to give me into so much trouble," Mia frowned as she say herself on Kevin's bed.

" That's if anyone tells him, " Kevin said sitting beside her and putting his hand into her leg.

" He deserves to know what I did to her," she said as she burst into tears.

" Mia, Emily Is fine and you know that, mentor isn't going to know anything," Kevin assured her.

Mia started crying so much, Kevin put his arms out and pulled her into a hug," it's ok."

" I love you," she whispered through her tears.

" I love you two," he told her back as he kissed her forehead.

" Pizza!!! " They heard a voice shout as they looked at each other and went through to the kitchen after whipping Mia's tears away.

"Mia!! " Emily said as she ran off her stool to go hug Mia who was standing at the door.

" Your the best! " Mia said to her as she hugged Emily back.

Kevin and Mike looked at each other, " Mike!! " Kevin shouted as her ran to Mike to attempt to hug him but instead fell on him on the floor.

" The girls standing at the door laughed and so did Jayden through mouthfuls of pizza.

" Did I miss something? " Mentor said as he appeared, " what the.... " He said as he saw Kevin on top of Mike on the floor.

Kevin quickly jumped off Mike and they both stood up and smiled.

" It's not what it looks like! " Mike blurted out.

Mentor nodded, " you know what, I'll eat in a different room," he said as he walked out.

Everyone laughed.

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