Thinking ahead

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" Are you guys ok? " Mia asked Mike and Emily, but they didn't answer, Mia and the others could tell they were injured.

" You Rangers are off the hook, I'm drying out! Next time... " The nylock said as it went through a portal.

" Jayden, call mentor, tell him what happened, " Kevin said as he was trying to help Mia comfort Mike and Emily.

Mike was just awake, but he was struggling to breathe and Emily was unconscious.

" Mike it's ok, relax we will get you and Em fixed up soon," Mia said as she saw that Mike was trying to move.

Suddenly a portal came and dragged all the Rangers into it and into the Sheba house.

Just after they left a new ranger showed up and it was gold.

" I'm ready to fight along side the samurai Amiga! " He said as he had his sword ready but realised know one was there.

" Oh man! I was too late! " He said as he demorphed.

................ Samurai .............

Mentor took Emily and Mike to the recovery room, it had been getting used a lot lately.

" That nylock is tough. Mike is really badly hurt! And Emily's not even awake, we need to be ready for anything! " Kevin said as he put his arm around Mia as she put her head on to his shoulder.

" Your right Kevin we do need to be ready for anything, but as a samurai ranger we need to expect the unexpected, we were all expecting that every time the nylock grabbed hold of one of just we could just cut off its arm, but when we were gonna do that it put down 2 Rangers, so the nylocks obviously got a plan so we need one," Jayden said.

" We can't come up with a plan with just the 3 of us, we need Mike and Em, " Mia said.

The recovery room doors opened and mentor came out and the 3 Rangers stood up.

" Ok so they have had quite a hard bump as you know....."

Suddenly Jayden and Mia fell to the floor.

Kevin jumped and kneeled down beside them and looked up at mentor who knew exactly why that happened.

" Don't worry Kevin, they will wake up in about 2 Minutes," said mentor as he put some sort of special patch on them.

" Why are they asleep ? " Kevin asked putting his hands on Mia's shoulders.

" Let me guess, the nylock picked them up ? " Mentor said.

Kevin nodded.

" They nylock left some sort of poison on them, but luckily I have some special patches that will wake them up," mentor said.

" So is Emily awake then? " Kevin asked.

" No, since the nylocks arm that grabbed her has not been removed it's still affecting her and it doesn't help that Emily's also had a hard fall."

" So what do we have to do to get her awake? " Kevin asked.

" Kill the nylock," mentor Said.

" What happened? " Asked Mia as her and Jayden came to their senses and woke up.

Mentor and Kevin explained to them what happened and what they need to do next.

" Sounds like a plan! "Mia said as her and Kevin got up.

" Can we see Mike and Emily? " Kevin asked.

" Well yes, but you know that Emily won't respond because she's sleeping," mentor answered.

They nodded their head and went inside the room, they looked over to the bed that Mike was meant to be in and saw that it was empty then they looked over to Emily's bed and saw her sleeping and Mike sitting beside her holding her hand and whispering that she was going to be ok.

" Aww Mike, you should be resting! " Mia said as she walked up to mike and put her hand on his and Emily's.

" No Em needs my company, " Mike said leaning his head onto her shoulder.

Mia and Kevin looked at each other.

" Dude, come on let's get you some rest! " Kevin said walking up to Mike with Jayden.

" Nah, I think I'll just stay here with Em till she wakes up."

" Mike, didn't you hear mentor, she won't wake up until we defeat the nylock," Mia said.

" And you actually believe that shit, I know Em, she's just tired," Mike said looking back down at Emily's sleeping face.

" Mike, I think it's you that's tired, " Kevin said as he and Jayden had to drag mike to bed.

" So how are we planing on killing the nylock, it's not going to come back when it knows it has a ranger down, " Mike asked.

" We were going to come up with a plan," Mia answered.

" Well some one better think pretty damn quick because I don't want a sleeping beauty girlfriend," Mike said looking over to Emily who hadn't moved at all.

" Actually I have a plan, but it's pretty risky Mike," Jayden said.

" Spill," Mike said.

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