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" Ok, this is finally my chance to have a golden moment! " Antonio said as he shot a arrow with a message to the Sheba house.

" Now, to make them fall in love with me even more ill get some training done.

.................. Samurai ..............

" Emily! Don't! You've had 3 already! " Kevin said chasing after the younger ranger, she was already way too hyper because she has 3 cookies, she's hyper enough already without them, but now she wants more.

She ran out the Sheba house with the box and Kevin still chased after her, while the others just laughed watching them from the window.

" You never told me you had a secret stash of cookies! " She panted as she was still running and trying to shove cookie in her mouth at the same time.

" Emily! Watch out! " Kevin warned her as he saw the arrow coming.

" What? " She turned around and ducked as the arrow flew centimetres away from her head.

The others quickly ran out the Sheba house to make sure she was ok.

" What was that? " Asked Mia and Emily bent down and got the arrow.

" Look Em, there's some sort of message! " Mike said pointing at a strange price of paper.

Emily ripped the price of paper off the arrow and opened it to see letters saying " see you soon."

" See you soon, what does it mean? " She asked showing mentor the paper.

" Is it from a nylock? " Kevin asked.

" No it's not from a nylock, the Sheba house is well protected from nylock tricks," he answered.

" Ok, well some one or something's playing with us! First s nylock man kills a nylock to save a samurai ranger who they hate, and now this! " Mike answered , " and I don't like the fact that Em gets it everytime something happens," he added.

" Mike I'm ok, " she said rubbing his arm as he smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

" Well whatever it is, it needs sorting out," Jayden said snatching the paper from Emily and walking inside with it.

Everyone gave each other a weird look and followed him inside.

" So do you have any ideas who it's from? " Kevin asked sitting on a stool beside him.

Jayden focused on it, trying to use his symbol power to find out who it was from, but it wasn't working and draining the symbol power making him feel week, so he had to stop.

" No, not a clue, " he answered.

Suddenly the gap sensor went off and the Rangers jumped into action.

Mentor looked on the map to see where the nylock was, " creek wood, " he answered as the others ran out.

Once the Rangers got to creek wood they found the nylock.

" What's the nylock a special power? " Mia whispered.

" Don't know yet, " Jayden said.

" Go go samurai," all of them shouted at the same time as they morphed.

Emily and Kevin first ran up to the nylock and jumped and hit him with their sword and his arm came off.

" Nice shot you two! " Jayden said, but his arm grew back and bigger.

" Oh no! " Emily said as she and Kevin nearly got hit by a huge arm.

" I think we know his special power Em! " Kevin shouted as he helped Emily up off the floor.

" Ahh help!" Mia shouted as the nylock picked her up and started shaking her about.

" Mia! " Kevin shouted, he cut the nylock a arm off again because he knew that's what he had to do to save Mia, but it didn't end well..... the nylock a arm was now massive.

" Are you ok? " He asked his girlfriend, she nodded and hugged him.

" Guys, enough flirting, we need serious help here! " Mike shouted as he pointed over to Jayden who was now in the hands of the nylock.

" What do we do? If we cut they nylock a arm off it will be missive! " Emily said as she stood behind the nylock.

" Do what you have to to Emily," Kevin frowned as Emily lifted her swords and cut the nylocks arm off as it grew massive.

" Em! Watch out!! " Mike shouted as the nylock grabbed Emily.

Mike got up and ran to cut the nylocks arm off, but instead he threw him and Emily to the groud with a bang.

" Oh no! " Mia shouted as the others ran to them.

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