Together again

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The Rangers and mentor were getting worried now, it had been 4 hours since Emily left and 3 hours and a half since the nylock was destroyed and still no sign of Emily.

The Rangers were now managing to walk round the Sheba house, but they were still quite sore.

" Is this some kind of joke, it takes 2 minutes to get from the city to here, not over 3 hours! " Said Mike getting stressed out.

" Something must have happened! " Mia said.

" Maybe she got lost? " Kevin foolishly said not knowing what to say.

" She goes there everyday nearly! She can't get lost going in a straight line! " Jayden said, he turned to mentor, " do you know anything? " He asked him.

Mentor shook his head, " nothing."

" We'll we better get something soon, because I'm starting to think My little Emy is dead! " Mike blurted out as everyone looked at him in horror.

" Mike don't say that! " Mia shouted at him.

Mike knew he shouldn't have said it, but it was true, he knew Emily was injured and that she had to go fight a nylock that brought down 4 Rangers by herself.

Mike thought he was going to cry so he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

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When Emily left Dekkers cave, she started her journey back, she never realised how far away it was and she realised he hadn't eaten anything in ages and she was starting to feel very peckish so she stopped at a near by cafe. She got a sandwich and a drink of juice, when she was leaving the shop she accidentally walked into someone and they both fell on the floor.

" Oh I'm sorry," Emily said as she got her self up off the floor and helped the other person up.

It was a boy, with very dark hair and tanned skin.

" It's ok amigo," he said.

" Spanish? "

" Yep, the name is Antonino Garcia! " He said putting out his hand as she shook it.

" Emily Daniels," she said shaking it back.

They both walked out the cafe together, " So what are you doing here? " She asked him.

" I'm a fisherman, there's lots of fish in the sea, " he laughed when he pointed to the sea.

Emily also laughed at his terrible joke, but told Antonino that she should really be going.

They said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Emily was now totally lost when she reached a dead end, she pulled out her samurizor but she had no signal whatsoever, and it looked like it had been that way since she had been at Dekkers cave.

" Oh no, what if the others tried to get hold of me! " She though in her head and slammed her hand against a wall, she had no hope in getting home if she didn't know what way to go.

She quickly had a idea and ran back to the cafe and went inside, she saw Antonio sitting at the table reading a fish book and she ran towards him.

" Hi Emily, are you ok? " He asked putting the book down.

" No I'm lost, " she cried.

" Your a little young to go wondering by yourself, where are you looking for? " He asked her.

" The city."

" I'll take you there Amiga, I was just heading that way! " He said as him and Emily walked out the shop and started walking.

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" That's it, it's been 5 hours, she's not picking up her phone, something's happened! " Mike said pacing back and forward and back and forward.

" Ok your right, that's not normal! " Mia and Kevin both agreed.

" Well mentors looking for her, so I'm sure he will find her in the city, " Jayden said.

Suddenly the doors opened and mentor came in with no Emily.

" Your telling me there was no sign of her? " Mia cried into Kevin's should as he wrapped her arms round her.

" I'm afraid not, " he frowned.

Mike stared at Mia and Kevin in disgust, his girlfriend was missing and they were practically rubbing it in.

" Mike I'm sure she will turn up soon, " Mia said to him.

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Once Antonio and Emily finally reached the city, Antonio came across his apartment and reassured with Emily that she would be ok by herself.

" Of course I will be, thank you so much, " she said as they hugged and they went their separate ways for good this time.

Emily pulled out her samuraizor and called the mentor because she now had signal.

" Em? Is that you? What happened? " he asked as he gathered the Rangers over and told them it was Emily.

" Mentor can you please just pick me up, I can't move much further, " Emily complained as her legs really hurt.

" I'm on my way, where are you? " He asked.

Emily explained what she could see from where she was and before long mentor showed up and they drove back to the Sheba house.

Once they got in the door, the Rangers all ran up to Emily and wrapped their arms round her giving her a big group hug.

They save the blood on her too from when the stitch bust and told her go get changed then come back to tell them what happened.

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