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That morning Kevin was first awake, he looked over to mikes bed and saw that Emily was still where and she was fast asleep.

He felt sorry for her, she wasn't having much luck with anything, but she was still a great ranger just like the rest of them.

He quietly crawled out of bed and get changed and went for his daily morning jog.

He couldn't stop thinking about Antonio, one moment Kevin hates him so much and the next he respect Antonio but he's just to embarrassed to say it.

He did have a lot of guts, he became a samurai not caring what anyone thought of him, and he wasn't afraid to be himself.

But at the same time he has put a lot of trouble into it all. He hurt Emily then got people kidnapped, but thinking about it everyone makes mistakes, Kevin was angry with him for hurting Emily but he knew she was ok and no damage was properly done, and they did get Jayden, mentor and Emily back, Kevin couldn't decide how he felt about him.

All that Kevin did know is that he had to take a step back on what he said to him, he could now definitely tell that he was taking it too heart.

Kevin looked to his watch and decided to head back to the Sheba house.

.............. Samurai ............

" Morning Mia! " Mike said smiling as he had just woke up out of Emily's bed and went through to the living room to find that Mia was awake and already sitting there.

" Morning! Still in your p.js? " She asked.

" I forgot to get some, I don't want to wake Em up though, after seeing the fear in her eyes yesterday looks like she needed the sleep, actually that goes for all of them! " Mike said.

" At Least none got hurt! " Mia said.

" that's the only good thing out of it! Anyway I'm gonna go see is em is awake, " Mike said as he gave Mia a goodbye smiles and headed for his bedroom.

............ Samurai ...........

Emily felt herself starting to wake up, it didn't feel like her bed. She took a deep breath and smiled, it was mikes bed! She could tell by the smell of it, she knew what Mike smelt like.

Emily opened her eyes just to make sure it was mikes bed and it was, there was green bed sheets and she was in his and Kevin's bedroom.

She heard foot steps coming towards her and she froze. The door opened to find Mike standing looking at her with a smile on his face. Emily lifted her head slightly and smiled back at him.

" That God your ok! " He said as he walked up to the best and he sat on it and grabbed her hand.

" Mike it was a little bang on the head, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you can't get rid of me that easy, " she smiled as she gave him a playful look.

" Don't be sorry, " he smiled.

Emily gave him a weird look, she didn't know if he was joking or not.

" Are you gonna get up then? " He asked.

Just as Emily was about to nod her head, Kevin walked into the room and saw the Rangers both in mikes bed.

" Mike you have training to do! " Kevin snapped, he looked to Emily who didn't look well, " let her have some rest! "

" Kevin it's ok, I'm just getting up, " Emily smiled.

" No Emily your not, you have just had a mayor bump on the head, you need the rest, we don't want a repeat of what happened the last time you hadn't fully recovered! " Kevin said as he thought about when he saw her struggling to breathe a few mouths ago when they first started becoming a samurai.

" Yeh Em, I guess he's right," Mike nodded.

Just as Kevin was about to open his mouth he heard Mia shouting for him.

" Looks like the Mrs wants you," laughed Mike as Kevin glares at him and walked out the room to go see Mia.

" Kevin's right, you better get some rest! I'm just going to do some training but I'll come back and see you as soon as your done! " Mike said rubbing Emily's hand.

" Ok, but I'm staying in you bed," Emily smiled as Mike gave her a kiss on her cheek and walked out the room.

............. Samurai ............

" You called? " Kevin asked.

" What's wrong with you? You have been so rude to everyone lately! " Mia snapped.

Kevin rolled his eyes, " is this about Antonio? I've decided I'm going to talk to him tonight," Kevin said.

Mia glared at him, she wanted everyone to get along, she especially wanted Antonio to feel part of the team after her talk with him last night, " ok, just please try hard to get along with him, " Mia said as she walked up to Kevin and put her hand on his as Kevin held hers.

" I will, " Kevin smiled as he kissed her.

" Hello guys!! " Jayden said standing at the door watching Mia and Kevin kissing as the both quickly pulled away from each other.

" Jayden!?! " Mia said as both her and Kevin's faces turned bright red.

Jayden laughed, " calm down guys, as long as your relationship doesn't affect your training, it won't bother me, " he said as he limped over to a chair and sat down.

" Shouldn't you be resting? " Kevin asked.

" I should be, but I'm not."

" But you should, even mentor is," Mia nodded.

Mike walked in, " oh hey jay! " Mike said.

" Mike, sure Jayden should be in rest jut like mentor? " Mia asked.

" Guys, lets face it, mentors a lot older than Jayden, he needs the rest! " Mike said as he went into the fridge and put some sushi into his mouth.

" Who you calling old? " Mike heard a voice saying behind him.

He heard the rest of the team giggling behind him as he turned round to see mentor standing with his arms crossed.

" Mentor! Yay your awake...... " Mike said putting his thumbs in the air and doing a really fake smile.

" Hello to you two Mike, Jayden your coming with me," mentor said as him and Jayden walked out.

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