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" Step on it Antonio! " Kevin shouted as he stood with the girls and watched Mike and Antonio train.

" Ha! Ha! " Antonio shouted while trying to hit Mike with the stick, but it wasn't working, Mike blocked every attack.

" Wow they are Good, I have to work harder! " Antonio said to himself as he started to try harder and harder.

Next thing he knew, his was lying on the floor.

" Nice try dude," Mike said putting his hand out to him to help him up.

Antonio glared at him and pushed his hand away, " I can get up myself! " He snapped as he got up and stomped out the door and to the living room.

Mike looked puzzled at the others, " what was that about? " He asked them.

" I don't know, all I know is that he's a dic...... " Kevin was about to say before Mia elbowed him and cut him off, " don't you are finish that sentence! " She glared at him.

He sighed and put his hands in the air.

Mike walked over to them while Emily handed him a bottle of water, " thanks Em," he smiled taking the water and drinking a mouthful of it and put it down.

" Did I do anything to him? " Mike asked.

Kevin placed his hand on mike, " no Mike, you won fare and square, he's just a bad looser wanting attention! I warned you didn't I?! " Kevin answered.

" Kevin, be nice! " Mia said.

" Mia, this is his plan, to try split me and you and Mike and Emily."

" Don't be stupid! " She should at him, Mia was starting to get annoyed with Kevin.

" Mia, he's trying to get attention! " Kevin shouted back.

" No, he's feeling down Kevin! " Mia answered sharply.

" Guys!! This is no use!! We are really struggling without any guidance without Jayden or mentor Setting us right, but arguing is not good! " Mike shouted loudly enough for the shouting to stop.

" Your right, I'm going to go make us lunch! " Kevin said storming off.

" And I'm going to go have a shower! " Mia said also storming off in a different direction leaving Emily and Mike who gave each other a look.

" This is not good! " Emily said.

" I'll deal Kevin and Mia, you see Antonio! " Mike said as Emily nodded as they ran off in different directions.

............ Samurai ............

Kevin was in the kitchen making lunch, his own recipe, ' carrot Nuggets ' it was his favourite food ever.

He heard footsteps waking towards him, he turned round to see Mike.

" Hey Kev, what you doing? " Asked looking over to all the carrots Kevin was cutting.

" Quit the act Mike."

Mike sighed, " I know it's horrible when you have fights with your girlfriend," Mike explained.

" That's funny, I haven't heard you and Em fight so how would you know? " He snapped.

" Kevin I've had girlfriends before Em, break ups, fights. we have all had them but you can't just end everything like that."

" We can't break up, I do love her, it's just she's too caring. "

Mike nodded, " yeah, I know how you mean, yeah I'm like you, I love Em, I want to keep her, i wouldn't mind her being my one and only."

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