Too close for comfort

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"Mike stop pulling, we need to go the same pace unless you want us to carry on bumping into each-other," Kevin said right after mike stumbled into him.

" stop being so bossy, I can go whatever way I want to go," mike smugly said going in the total opposite direction that Kevin was going as he pulled him over his side as they ended up falling over one another and landing on the ground with a bump as Mia and Antonio cane running to them.

" stop being so bossy, I can go whatever way I want to go," mike smugly said going in the total opposite direction that Kevin was going as he pulled him over his side as they ended up falling over one another and landing on the ground with a bump ...

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" are you two okay?" Antonio asked them and him and Mia both helped them get back into their feet as Kevin shook his head.

" of course I'm not okay, I'm glued to the most annoying person. I have to have my 5 hours of training a day and so far I've had none," Kevin exclaimed.

" guys don't worry, we fill find a way to help you get this glue off, Emily's sleeping just now because she's got a migraine after her vision but afterwards we are going to join Jayden in the city to try get the nylock to come back," Mia explained as the boys nodded.

Kevin smiled as he leaned in towards his girlfriend and gave her a kiss as mike quickly closed his eyes.

Antonio laughed as Mia and Kevin pulled away from eachother.

" is it safe to open my eyes?"

Kevin and Mia looked at one another and smiled, " come on mike let's go find a way to try and do at least something useful."

" I wanna check on Emily first," mike said as Kevin nodded understanding that he was worried.

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Emily knew she wasn't feeling herself, after each one of her visions the after effects seemed to be getting worse as she has pains going through her left shoulder as she pulled down her top to see purple and red bruises with veins sticking out of them almost looking like she had some kind of infection from the visions.

Suddenly she heard a knock at the door as she quickly pulled her bed covers over herself hiding the infection from who ever was one the other side of the door as she looked over to see it opening as mike and Kevin popped through

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Suddenly she heard a knock at the door as she quickly pulled her bed covers over herself hiding the infection from who ever was one the other side of the door as she looked over to see it opening as mike and Kevin popped through.

Suddenly she heard a knock at the door as she quickly pulled her bed covers over herself hiding the infection from who ever was one the other side of the door as she looked over to see it opening as mike and Kevin popped through

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" hey em, how you feeling?" Mike asked softly as  him and Kevin went closer to the bed and both took a seat on the side of it as Emily uncomfortably pulled the covers up even more just to be on the safe side.

" just tired but I'm away to get up now," Emily said wanting the boys to leave her alone so she could have a better look. She didn't want to tell anyone about it while the boys where still glued together, she knew everyone would just be worried and she hated it. As soon as the boys are free again then she will tell someone about the infection.

" em are you sure your okay? You seem tense?" Kevin asked as mike nodded in agreement as Emily nodded.

" guys I'm fine don't worry about me. Go try keep yourselves busy and I'll come through and see you shortly."

Mike and Kevin both got the hint that she just wanted them to leave her so they did so after mike kissed her on the top of the head worried as to why his girl was acting so strange.

" I wonder what's up with her," Kevin said to mike as mike stayed quiet and sighed, he just couldn't wait to get out of the glue  so he could speak to her privately.

" come on mike let's go and at least try so some symbols."

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As soon as the boys left the room Emily left the bed and ran through to the mirror as her eyes widened in shock as she tried to touch it but Hurt too much.

Suddenly she just burst out crying and she couldn't stop, the pain of the infection and being worried of dying again was scaring too much, so much the she couldn't even hold it in any longer and she had to just cry.

" Emily?" She heard a voice say as she turned round to see Mia as mias mouth dropped as she saw the infection on Emily.

" oh my god Emily, are you ok? What is that!" Mia cried running up to her as Emily quickly put her hand over mias mouth so she couldn't talk.

" Mia don't say anything to anyone, not until the boys are free," Emily whispered slowly removing her hands from mias mouth.

" em someone needs to know. That looks serious."

" Mia listen to me, if everyone finds out about this the boys might be trapped forever. We can't have the attention of saving them to be taken away for this, as soon as the boys aren't glued we will tell mentor. It won't get any worse unless I have another vision, please Mia. Me and you don't want out boyfriends attached to eachother," Emily begged as Mia froze not knowing what to do.

" Mia I'm begging you do it for the boys, I will be fine for the next few days please."

" okay Emily I'll do it, but if it gets any worse we are telling someone! Deal?" She asked as Emily nodded as she wrapped her arms around Mia as Mia squeezed her sister tight not wanting to let go.

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