All scars are open

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" I don't think I can fight much longer Mia! " Emily screamed as the nylock charged towards her and got her on the back.

" neither em, atleast not without my morpher," Mia started as he fell to the ground is pain as Emily went flying through the air and ended up beside her.

" oh god em, your stomach!" Mia screamed as she seen how much bloody Emily had lost.

" it's funny, I don't feel a thing," Emily said looking down at it, " oh my god! Mia the nylock said what ever happends here effects our real life... So if mentor hasn't noticed how injured I am... Does that mean I might be dead?"

Mia looked at Emily and smiled, " don't be silly em, mentor will be non stop checking up on us."

" come on you 2, I'm still ready to fight!" The nylock laughed as he walked up to where Emily and Mia were lying.

" we can't, we can't. I don't have the strength," Mia said as she grabbed onto her arm, she thinks it's broken.

Suddenly Emily had a thought and she stood up.

" Emily, what are you doing? Your too injured!" Mia said.

" no I'm not, well not here anyway... This is a dream Mia! We control it!" Emily said as she suddenly morphed into her samurai suit and got her proper sword.

" omg, your right! We will just have to deal with the consequences when we wake up," Mia sighed as she morphed aswell as charged to the nylock.

............. Samurai ............

" Jayden!" Mentor shouted from the girls bedroom, as Jayden ran in.

" what's wrong? " Jayden asked, worried for his little sisters.

" we have got a problem, the girls are getting hurt to quick, I don't have enough hands, you will need to help, since I taught you some first aid when you were a little boy," mentor said rolling mias left arm up in a cast.

" no problem, I think I should stitch up Emily's back, " Jayden said running over to Emily as mentor felt guilty for not even noticing that Emily's back was all cut.

" mentor, I think she's loosing too much blood," Jayden said as mentor didn't know what to do, since he didn't have any blood he could give her.

Suddenly Mike burst through the doors, " I'll give her some blood!" Mike said sticking his hand in the air as he remembered him and his girlfriend have the same blood type.

" we will need to do this quickly then," mentor said getting the needle and sticking into mikes arm.

After Mike had given the blood and Emily had got it Mike was refusing to leave, there was blood everywhere, all over the bed, the floor, even some of the walls.

" no mentor, I can't just leave my girlfriend!" Mike said.

" you will see her after we give first aid to all her injuries, go wait outside with Kevin, he's just as worried as you," mentor said getting stressed out.

" please..." Mike whispered as he got cut off my 2 hands grabbing him and pulling him out the room.

" Mike in future, do what's asked!" Kevin said letting go of Mike and shutting the door behind them.

" you saw them... What if their not strong enough..... What if something happens and we don't get to say goodbye!" Mike yelled as he felt a tear tickle down his chin.

" shut up!" Antonio said butting in, " they may not be my girlfriends, but they are still my little sisters! Now shut the hell up, your distracting Jayden and mentor!"

Mike and Kevin looked at him full of shame and silence, he knew he was right, they just cared about them so much.

" why couldn't it have been me," Mike whispered to himself wishing he could feel all Emily's pain for her so she wouldn't have to suffer.

" me two," Kevin whispered back to him.

Hello, so as you can see in carrying on with my fan fic, because if you have been reading you know that I have stopped for a while.

Anyways, I just like to say I can't believe it's got over 3k! Anyway if you are enjoying please vote and comment.

Thanks, Emily. 🍍

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