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Emily was still unconscious, and Mike was still very weak, so it was up to Mia and Kevin to find something for them to eat and shelter.

" So what are we going to eat then? " Mia asked Kevin as they walked along the forest collecting sticks for making shelter.

" Maybe I could use my symbol power to make something? " Kevin said as she pulled out his samurizor and started looking at what takes us less of his symbol power.

Mia glanced over Kevin's shoulder to see what he found, " what about just plain old fish? it doesn't use much power at all! " Kevin said. " yeh that would be a good idea, the we could cook it on the fire," Mia smiled.
" Let's get some more work and head back, then hopefully em will be awake and we can get cooking! " Kevin said as him and Mia collect more wood.

............... Samurai .............

Meanwhile Mike was sitting with Emily waiting for her to wake up, but he was getting a bit bored, Mike decided to do something useful and use some spare symbol power to make shelter with sticks. Mike knew it wouldn't take long because all he was doing was moving wood but at a quicker speed.

" Symbol power tree! " He shouted as a huge shelter was formed, Mike felt proud of himself, he remembered a while back when Kevin called him useless and it made him think of how much he had changed, he had gotten stronger, he actually found Emily, a person who he loved so much, he made a new best friend, Kevin and a big sister Mia. he also respected the red ranger leader, and it wasn't often when people earned mikes respect. and mentor was pretty much the big daddy of the team, helping everyone when they fell and sometimes having a laugh with them.

Mike was so deep in his thoughts he didn't even notice Emily was awake until she crawled over to him and hugged his and he got pulled off the log onto the floor, " em your awake! Can I just remind you how great you were! That was really brave! " Mike smiled.

" It wasn't  just me! It was mostly you, it was your idea, " she said as she put her head into his chest.

" Team effort, we make a good team! " Mike smiled kissing the top of her head.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming towards them and they were both alerted. " who is there?!? " Emily shouted.

.............. Samurai ...........

Back in the Sheba house, Jayden was feeling down, he felt like he was getting pushed away from his team.

" Jayden are you alright? " Mentor asked as she walked into the dojo where Jayden was sitting on the floor.

" Am I a bad red ranger? " Jayden blurted out.

" What do you mean? Of course not Jayden, I can tell the way the team sees you," mentor answered.

" I just feel like they hate me, they way it's always them and then there's me."

" Jayden, for starters Kevin's goal is to pretty much be you, Mike had a lot of time for you and he respects you, Mia must obviously like you, the way she asks you for tips on training and the ways she always likes your company's for going to get some food shopping done and Emily just adores you, your her role-model, " mentor explained.

Jayden stopped for a minute to take in everything that mentor had said, and when he looked at the bigger picture, it turned out mentor was right.

" Thanks mentor, I feel better now! "

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" Who is there?!? " Emily shouted.

" Calm down it's just me and Mia! " Kevin answered, " we got sticks for shelter."

" Erm Kevin? " Emily laughed pointing towards a huge hut that Mike made in about 30 seconds.

" Oh! " Mia and Kevin both said at the same time and they just used the sticks as fire wood instead.

" What are we having to eat? " Mike asked.

Kevin pulled out his samurizor and made up 4 fish. " wow Kevin! " Emily smiled, " that was so cool! "

" I'll cook them! " Mia said, Kevin had been giving her cooking lessons so now is the time to see if she had succeeded.

After they had finished cooking Mia handed a fish to each of the Rangers, when they took a bite it turned out really nice, " wow Mia, you did brilliant! " Kevin said as he kissed his girlfriends cheek.

" Thanks Kevin, " she smiled feeling proud of herself.

After everyone had finished eating they sat around the fire huddled together, " everyone has really pulled their weight today, I'm really proud of us all. we make a good team, " Kevin said.

" Yeh, but we do make a better one with Jayden, " Emily said as everyone agreed.

" I think Jayden does too much for us, we need to start pulling out weights like we did tonight, we have proved to our selfs that we can do it! " Kevin said as everyone agreed.

" Yeh, they more we do, the stronger we will get! " Smiled Mia.

" I guess that just leaves us with Antonio, " Mike frowned.

" Yes, we need to sort out you and Antonio's issue! " Mia said to Kevin.

" I agree that we do need to sort stuff out, but he has done so many bad things and at least one of us had to pick up the pieces, like today, one of could have got hyperthermia if we didn't do what we did to make that fire, " Kevin said as he smiled at Mike and Emily, he was still very proud of the youngsters.

" Exactly Kevin, and remember today was a good thing, we managed to prove what we really could do! " Emily answered, " instead of looking at all the bad sides of stuff, you should look at the bright side, like what we achieved. I think that's your problem, " Emily explained as everyone was speechless.

Kevin thought about it, every time Antonio messed up it just improved the team skills, " Emily, your right! " Kevin said.

Emily smiled, now maybe Antonio and Kevin would get things patched up so they could continue working as a team and stop fighting.

After that little conversation the Rangers fell asleep.

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