Battle outcome

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" go go samurai!" The rangers shouted as they all morphed and jumped straight into battle.

" ohh rangers, you wanna try defeat me! But how can you do that with no memory!" It laughed as it started fighting back to the rangers hits as it knocked Kevin down as he demorphed as Jayden ran up to him.

" oh look an open shot on the red ranger!" The nylock laughed throwing some balls at Jayden as he suddenly got hit and demorphed.

" Jayden no!" Emily and Mia shouted as they started attacking the nylock as it backed away happy that it managed to hit one of the rangers as it disappeared as everyone ran up to Jayden as himself and Kevin got up from the ground.

" jay?" Mike asked as Jayden looked at him and smiled.

" I'm fine, I don't feel any different and I haven't forgotten anything," Jayden said as the others have a sigh of relief.

" let's go back to the Sheba house and get some training done, we are lacking," Kevin said feeling down after he got hit so badly in the fight as everyone agreed and walked off.

Once the rangers got back they where all sitting training in the dojo.

Once the rangers got back they where all sitting training in the dojo

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Until Jayden suddenly stopped and walked away.

" Jayden?" Mia asked confused as her and the rest of the rangers watched him drop his stick and turn back around to face him.

" what am I doing here?" He asked looking worried as the other rangers automatically got worried and Mia ran inside to go find mentor.

" I need to go home," Jayden said as he started walking out the sheba gates as as mike, Kevin and Emily run after him.

" Jayden stop, where are you going? Your our red ranger," Emily asked grabbing his arm.

" listen girl, I don't know who you are but my dad is the red ranger and nobody is suppose to know that! So get off me and let me go home!" Jayden shouted pushing Emily to the ground as mike immediately helps her get up.

" Jayden!" Mentor shouts standing at the door as mentor turned around only just remembering his voice from his childhood.

" mentor, these people are crazy trying to tell me I'm the red ranger," Jayden says as he ran inside to go to mentors bedroom as that's where he used to go as a kid when he used to get scared.

" carry on training rangers, we will get this sorted but we need you to be as strong as possible as I don't think Jayden will along side until his memory returns," mentor instructed as the rangers nodded and got back to it but couldn't help but be concerned.

" what are we gonna do about Jayden? What if he looses his memory forever?" Kevin says as mike prepares to hit him with his stick.

" what are we gonna do about Jayden? What if he looses his memory forever?" Kevin says as mike prepares to hit him with his stick

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" there needs to be something we can do! We can't go without a red ranger. We can't go without Jayden," Mia sighs are her and the others stop training feeling defeating at the fact their red ranger doesn't even remember who they are.

" let's go and look in some books. There needs to be a way," Kevin instructed as mike rolled his eyes.

" books are so old fashioned, if only we could google it."

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