Deal with the devil

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Mike wandered about the city, although he knew the city like the back of his hand he felt lost, at this time he was always with Emily and the thought of him never getting to spend time with his girlfriend again killed him. Mike stood starting into space then all of a sudden he started crying, he'd never felt this level of loneliness in a long time as he ran off to the only person who he thought could help him, help Emily.

20 minutes later he finally got there are he stormed in, not caring to knock or say who was coming in.

" green ranger? What are you doing here?" Decker asked confused as mike whipped the sweat from his forehead and looked at decker straight in the eyes as decker automatically knew something was wrong.

" what's happened?" Decker asked as mike took a seat opposite him on one of the rocks. He knew something was very wrong but the main reason he knew is because a samurai ranger would never come to him for help.... no one would.

" Emily... she died! Duyu killed her and I need you to help me bring her back!" Mike stated as decker froze trying to take in all the information he had just been given, he couldn't believe Emily was dead.

" green ranger, there's only a few different ways you can bring her back and they are all very risky," Decker suggest as mike shook his head.

" I don't care I'll do anything, it's Emily for crying out loud! I'll do anything for her," mike shouted slamming his hand into the rock chair as pain shot up his arm.

" you could go to the devils side, the devil brings people back as long as you bring some with with Emily's DNA like a piece of hair or a finger nail.... but there's always consequences, he may bring back Emily's body but it could be a completely different person in there," Decker suggest at mike thought about it and sighed at the option.

" is there not anything else?"

" there's one more option but I don't think your going to like it... you can trade Emily's life with someone else's... the only up side to this is that the transfer of Emily's life to the other persons life takes 24 hours to do and in this time you can kill the nylock that did it and save both life's. People have tried to do it before, sometimes it's worked sometimes it failed," Decker said as mike nodded at these two options and knew he had to talk to his team. The rest of the rangers wanted Emily back, it felt like something is missing while she's not there.

" well Decker, I know we don't get along but thank you. Emily she's has.... I mean she had a lot of respect for you Decker," mike whispered at his heart slowly broke as he now had to start talking about Emily in past tense.

Decker smiled and nodded, " she was a special ranger, unlike the rest of you," Decker smiled as he stopped mike before he left, " I wish you luck in getting her back."

By the time mike left deckers cave  it was dark outside and he had a load of missed calls from the rest of the rangers back at the Sheba House, but he could remove Emily from his mind

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By the time mike left deckers cave  it was dark outside and he had a load of missed calls from the rest of the rangers back at the Sheba House, but he could remove Emily from his mind.

As he walked along at a slightly paste he felt tired and weak, after not sleeping last night and not eating anything today he felt a bit dizzy but he couldn't care about himself. While Emily wasn't With him he had no intention of looking after himself, for all he cared he could die too.

................. samurai ...............
Mia went into her bedroom and sat on her bed trying to hold back her tears as she looked over at Emily's empty bed, made up Nicely like she done every morning with the yellow bedding and the pillow looking all neat.

She walked up to it and placed her hand on Emily's ape pillow and started crying as she picked it up and started hugging it as she cried into it.

" I'm sorry I didn't save you em, I'm so sorry Emily," she cried as she suddenly heard someone come into the bedroom as she though it was Kevin so she automatically just ran up to them and gave them a hug to find she was still holding Emily's monkey pillow to soon find that it wasn't Kevin and it was mike. Mia knew she had to try and calm herself down for mikes sake as she hugged onto him and finally calmed herself down as she pulled away and placed the pillow on Emily's bed on the same position it was when she had taken it off as she looked back up at mike who just started at the bed.

" how are you feeling mike?" She asked him as she took a seat on her own bed as mike didn't say anything and sat down on the side of Emily's bed and placed his hand on her duvet and rubbed his hand up and down on it as he looked at her.

" I miss her Mia, I just really miss her," mike said as he felt a tear tickle down his face as he wiped it with his other hand and looked at Mia.

" I know how to bring her back, she doesn't deserve this, she's the sweetest, kindest, funniest, crazy girl I know and I refuse to let her die," mike carried on as Mia interrupted him.

" mike what do you mean bring her back?" Mia asked suspicious to how mike knew this.

" unfortunately we will have to leave her for one last night asleep... but tomorrow I'm getting my girl back and I'll never let her go," mike smiled as Mia was still confused but decided not to question it anymore and that mike would discuss it tomorrow with everyone else.

Mike went into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and pulled out a small picture and it was of Emily, it was when himself and Emily had properly started dating and mike had though she had looked beautiful that day, she had her hair it's natural curly way and had very bare make up on with a massive smile on her face. He couldn't remember what she was laughing at now in this picture but he cherished it and how beautiful  and happy she was, he couldn't let such a girl go to waste.

Mia looked at the picture and smiled as she took it from mikes hand and give it a little kiss as she held the tears back and got up off the bed and reluctantly handed the picture back to mike as she wanted one but had none printed off

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Mia looked at the picture and smiled as she took it from mikes hand and give it a little kiss as she held the tears back and got up off the bed and reluctantly handed the picture back to mike as she wanted one but had none printed off.

" come on, you need to eat. If what your saying is true about maybe bringing Emily back you need to be healthy for her! I'll get you something," Mia suggested as mike followed her through to the kitchen.

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