Dreams dont come true

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" Emily you shouldn't have come it's not safe!" Mike muttered quietly at Emily as they walked around in the dream world.

" mike we had to save mentor, we had to save you," Emily whispered as she halted and grabbed both his hand as she stared into his eyes, " I'd rather be dead then have you being in danger mike, I love you."

Mike felt his heart melt a little bit as he leaned into Emily for a kiss as suddenly a massive bang shook them as make quickly pulled away from Emily and jumped protectively in front of her as the others froze to try Work out where the bang had come from.

" Emily, Mia get back!" Jayden instructed as they quickly hurried off behind the boys.

Suddenly it turned pitch black as everyone froze not being able to see where to do.

" guys what's happened?" Antione said as Mia cut him off.

" Jayden make fire!" Mia said as Jayden shook his head confused, he knew the girls knew that he didn't have a morpher to make fire with.

" Mia, what are you talking about I can't? I don't have my morpher to make symbols with!" Jayden sighed as Mia quickly interrupted.

" jay, it's a dream, you can have whatever you want however you want!" She smiled as Jayden concentrated and then suddenly he made a big fire causing Enough light for everyone to see what was happening.

" jay, it's a dream, you can have whatever you want however you want!" She smiled as Jayden concentrated and then suddenly he made a big fire causing Enough light for everyone to see what was happening

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" Mia how did you know that?" Kevin asked confused.

" it's a dream! Don't you get it that's how we saved ourself from the nylock. If we never thought of it in time me and Emily would both be dead."

Mike looked down trying to erase that thought from his head, no way could he loose Emily. She was far to precious to him, he never even thought he deserved her.

Suddenly a large blast happened and all 5 rangers got blown off their feet.

Mia thought fast and knew that herself and Emily couldn't get hurt in this world because there would be a good chance they wouldn't be able to survive once they got back into the really world so she took out her morpher and quickly made the symbol of a cloud as her and Emily landed softly on it. Although she cared about the boys she knew that they would also want her and Emily to be the ones to get down safely as she didn't have enough time to draw a symbol to make a big enough cloud.

" Mia Emily, stay behind us!" Kevin shouted as the nylock came and the 4 boys morphered and pointed their sword towards the nylock.

" nawww girls stay behind us how cute! How cute is watching them die?" The nylock says as it suddenly flashes into a portal and comes back right beside the girls and put Both its arms around them holding them tight as the boys froze.

" do not move or I swear your yellow and pink ranger won't live to see tomorrow!" It shouted at the boys continued to stay still.

Emily and Mia looked at each other and gave eachother the nod as they suddenly morphered into their ranger suites and both his the nylock as it stumbled over as the boys run to them.

" you alright?" Jayden asked Mia as he was standing closer.

" I will be as soon as thud nylocks gone!" She shouted as they all charged towards it as the nylock knew it had no option but to give up.

" fine kill me... get out this dream but I will just keep coming back and you will have no option but to go back cause you know I'm stronger than you!" It laughed as it turned to dust and it went black for all the rangers.

And suddenly they all woke up beside eachother lying on the pavement in the town centre with mentor already at their side.

As soon as Emily woke up she clenched her stomach, in one way  she missed being in the dream where she felt no pain.

The 4 boys got up with not a scratch as the girls continued to lay on the floor in pain as mike and Kevin where first to kneel down beside them as mentor, Jayden and Antonio did shortly after.

Kevin helped Mia get to her feet as she whelped in pain breaking his heart as he turned over to see mike had picked up Emily bridal style so she didn't have to walk back so Kevin did the same. They would have just gotten mentor to make them a portal but he was already weak from drawing the nylock out he didn't have enough energy.

When the rangers got back to the shiba House, mike and Kevin both wanted to spend the night with their girls so Kevin with to mias bedroom to spend the night with her while Emily got ten trough to mikes room to spend the night with him. After everything that had happened to get recently he just wanted to squeeze her tonight all night while she rested.

Once Mia, Kevin, mike, Emily and Antonio had gotten settled for the night Jayden and mentor stayed up in the kitchen for a while talking about all the recent events.

" I was so worried, Jayden... I'm not good enough to be your mentor anymore... you samurai rangers need someone younger and more fit! I can barely make a symbol anymore.." mentor signed as Jayden shook his head refusing to listen anymore. Mentor had trained Jayden up from such a young age, he was the best mentor anybody could ask for.

" don't say that about yourself mentor, nobody can replace you, let's go to sleep. We will talk about this in the morning."

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