Sleepy heads

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" what are we going to do?" Mike asked mentor as he came through from the girls room.

" you 4 will have to beat that nylock!" Mentor said as he looked at Jayden, Mike, Kevin and Antonio.

" but it might now come out for ages! " Kevin said scared he wouldn't see his girlfriend and his little sister for ages.

" and what if he puts anymore of us asleep!?" Antonio says butting in.

" well we will just need to trail harder and more until it returns," Jayden said as mike glares at him.

" no! I've got to go keep em company!!" He shouts.

" Mike she's asleep, she wouldn't even know if your there," Jayden said.

" hey! Me and em have a connection! You wouldn't understand Jayden," Mike snapped.

" what are you trying to say!" Jayden said starting to get angry.

" you haven't lived at all Jay! You've been stuck in this place all your life! Even Kevin's got a girlfriend! And it's Kevin!" Mike stated as Kevin became involved.

" hey what are you trying to say Mike!?" Kevin shouted.

" yeah what are you trying to say!! " Jayden yelled as Antonio took a step back.

" What I'm trying to say a that we need to care for the injured!!" Mike shouted louder than last time.

" no we need to train! It was their fault they got caught, they should have moved out the way!" Jayden said as Kevin gave him the death stare.

" oi! How dare you say that about our girlfriends! You good for nothing red ranger!!" Kevin said.

" EVERYONE STOP!" Mentor shouted as all the boys froze. 

" you need to calm down, this isn't helping the girls at all. You will all train for an hour then you can have an hour to get something to eat and see the girls then after an hour back to training!" Mentor said, " and I don't want to hear any fighting! Understand?"

Everyone nodded, even Antonio and he wasn't even in the argument.

" on you go!"

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