Vegeta X Reader (Mafia)

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*This story makes zero sense lmao it's gonna be different and I don't wanna hear how it's "not true to the Dragon Ball storylines" because no, no it is not and I don't care lol It doesn't make sense. One part is based on Photographer Bogdan Gîrbovan and his identical apartment album. The project idea is not my original idea.*

Y/n walked into class and a big yawn escaping her lips as she sat down in the back, feeling her favorite worn out seat under her butt. She liked sitting in the back, it  made her feel isolated but still involved with the rest of the class. The professor walked in as more students filled out their seats. It was a Monday and that meant things were moving slower than usual.

"Okay class, it's about 8 am now so whoever isn't here misses out on todays lesson." Professor Stewart shrugged before taking a long drink of his coffee. Y/n liked this professor, he was funny and more intouch with the students despite being three times their age.

"I've been pretty worn out lately, so for this weeks lecture, or lesson or whatever you wanna call it, I think we're just gonna do a project. I'll give you guys one week to put it together, meaning Monday is the due date." The Professor explained before yawning and sitting at his desk. 

"I'll put you in groups of two and you guys can figure out the rest. The project will be to capture what it means to be human." He said as he leaned back in his old leather chair and nodded. Y/n smiled a little at the thought of this new project. She knew it'd be fun.

"Alright, let's start grouping up. Jessica. P. with Sandy." He started off.

"Jessica. A. with Tyler. H." He continued.

"Y/n with..."

Y/n wasn't too worried about being partnered with someone she disliked because she liked everyone in her class.

Well, everyone except for...


The young woman felt her heart sink at the name. She couldn't stand the arrogant asshole that was Vegeta. She barely knew him and wanted to keep it that way. She hated how he walked around like he owned the place, how he expected everything to be handed to him, how he lazy he was. He wasn't even in class to hear that they were partners.

*After class*

Y/n spoke with her Professor about changing partners but he wouldn't budge. He said that it would be good for the two of them to work together since they were so opposite. Y/n internally screamed because she could smell it on him. Vegeta's daddy paid the Professor to put him with someone who would do his work for him.

She didn't know exactly what he did but she knew Vegeta's dad had a lot of pull around the city. She knew they were rich and that Vegeta was being forced to go to community college, but she didn't know why. She just assumed it was because his dad was trying to teach him a lesson about life but then again, when everyone is paid off to let you slide by, it didn't make sense.

But she wasn't the one. She simply nodded at the Professor and walked out of the class, knowing she wasn't going to help the jerk.

*A few hours later*

Y/n sat on her couch and stared at her notebook, trying to decide what to do for her project when her phone suddenly rang. It was an unknown number but she answered it anyway, figuring it could be someone from back home with a new number.

"Hello?" She asked, raising a brow.

"This Y/n?" Vegeta's deep voice half asked, almost like he was bored of the conversation already.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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