Vegeta X Reader (Vegeta's Wife)

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I landed on the planet called Earth and began walking towards a large city. These humans aren't like Saiyans so I have to be nicer than I normally am

"Frieza said you were here, Vegeta. And I'm going to destroy the life you've built for yourself here" I whispered to myself as I walked along the busy street. People began to stare at me and I'm guessing it's because of the uniform I had on. I ducked into a clothing shop and knocked the owner out and then grabbed some clothes to blend in better

As I walked down the street I noticed a man in a orange gi with spiky hair and a huge smile on his face

"I'm guessing you're Goku, aka Kakarot" I said to myself as I slowly approached him. He was talking to a blue haired woman and a black haired woman

"Excuse me?" I tapped him on the shoulder. The large man turned around and smiled at me

"Hi!" He loudly and excitedly said. Ugh, how is he a Saiyan?

"Hi...Goku. You don't know me but I've been looking for you" I tried my best to sound innocent

"For me? Why?" He asked

" see... I'm a Saiyan too" I softly said. His eyes went wide and he grabbed me up in a tight hug. It took everything I had in me to not beat the living shit out of him for this. I patted his back and he pulled away from me

"A real Saiyan!! Wow!! I can't believe it! Now there's three full blooded Saiyans on Earth" he laughed

"Three?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow

"Yeah! Me, Vegeta, and now you!" He laughed. The women behind him stayed quiet during our conversation

"Vegeta? As in...Prince Vegeta?" I tried to sound dumb, like I had no idea he was there

"The one and only" Goku chuckled

"Wow, I can't believe he's alive!" I looked to the humans behind him

"I'm sorry, Hi, I'm Y/n" I extended my hand out to them and smiled. The blue haired woman shook my hand first and then the black haired woman followed

"How did you hear about my Goku?" The black haired woman asked

"Oh, I was.. on a planet and a.. Namekian told me I looked like a Saiyan. I was confused for a moment because Namekians and Saiyans never crossed paths while we were still thriving. He told me about you and how you saved his people" I said. It was a lie though, I knew of him and Vegeta because of Frieza

"Awesome!! You gotta meet Vegeta! He'll be so excited" Goku giggled and grabbed both women by the hands. He held their hands in his left hand and placed his right hand near his forehead

"Grab my arm" he smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow but did as he asked and grabbed his left arm. He placed two fingers from his right hand on his forehead and we were suddenly in a large backyard instead of the middle of the street

"Oh" I said as I looked around

"I can instantly teleport" Goku shrugged and laughed. The blue haired woman disappeared in the large house

"I'm Chi-Chi by the way. And the blue haired girl is Bulma, Vegeta's Wife" Chi-Chi smiled at me

"His...wife?" I thought to myself. I smiled and made light conversation about planet Earth while Bulma was still inside. Goku had disappeared again but Chi-Chi said he was gathering their friends to bring here

"Vegeta must be out somewhere training" Bulma said as she walked over and sat next to Chi-Chi and I

"Does he disappear often?" I asked her

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